Free: Custom built CigarBob two player arcade stick San Jose bay area

I’m moving at the end of the month and unfortunately I won’t be able to take this massive arcade stick with me. This stick is in perfect shape and beautifully constructed by CigarBob with two player side by side sticks just like in the arcades. Its already wired for PS2 and Dreamcast but ofcourse can be modded to PS3/360 for those of you that know how.

If anyone in the San Jose bay area would like to pick this up its yours for free. I’d much rather give this to a fellow fighting game fan and not have to dump it. I’d like to give this away asap so get in touch with me here by pm and I can give you further details.


Is shipping an option? I’d be happy to pay for that if you’d consider it, plus a bit for your time.

Hi kitsunisan,

This stick is HUGE so shipping might be pretty expensive I haven’t looked into it yet. If no one locally wants to pick up the stick then I can definitely try and work something out to get it shipped to you.

I’m pretty sure you’ll find a local to grab it, just thought I’d put it out there.

pm sent

Vietexan the stick is currently reserved for you I pm’d you my contact info. Thanks again to everyone that replied. I’ll update this thread again once the stick has been picked up.

Stick was picked up by Vietexan thanks again man.