Free Casuals in Inland Empire (Upland, Ca) Wed Feb 4th

Lately the I.E has been kinda dead as far as casuals. So we want this to become the new training hq for all fighting games. We are located in downtown upland right off the 10 freeway, and we have room for probably 40+ people to hang out and play, drink, whatever. We mainly play Ultra, 3rd Strike and Marvel. But we are open to any game. Its BYOC, and we only have 3 xbox setups. So if you want to play a specific game you will have to bring your own setup.


There are 3 bars literally one minute walking distance from where you will be playing. There are 3 restuarants, and a bunch of other little food places within walking distance.

I dont use shoryuken very often so if you need more info. Join the Inland Empire Battle Grounds group on facebook.