FREE book - action-packed fantasy with badass fighters

Might seem spammy since it’s an Amazon link, but it’s completely free until after Wednesday so not asking for any money from y’all… think some of you might enjoy its over the top fighting action.

Anyway my book Gothic Warrior and the Dark Man is currently FREE on Amazon! It’s a short fantasy (44 pages) with one tough heroine, and there is some fighting game-like combat - here’s the cover and description, pick it up if you want to see some epic female damage soak. :smiley:

Pure cathartic fantasy action featuring one butt-kicking heroine.

Retired boxer Lincoln never imagined he would fight a girl, let alone be pushed to his limits by one. After meeting goth metal singer and ultimate bar brawler Freya in the drunken battle of a lifetime, he gets a surprise invitation to join her crew. He and the band develop a strong friendship as he shares his sports and life knowledge with them and they help him recapture his youth. But when evil seeks to claim a band member’s soul along with her gift of foresight, the modern day warriors must confront the devil’s own scholar… the Dark Man.