Updated Munky’s team. Thank you for responding swiftly.
Added King’s team, Cole’s team does have an open spot
Please Cole if you can pull from the list of names of people that are looking! Also for current teams, please dont’ try to jump ship to take cole’s empty spot. It’s not fair to the 10 people that are looking for a team right now.
I still need to hear from team jurassic about their team, can anyone get a hold of them because…
we’ve hit 16 teams (if those looking can really try to form up that’d be great, again we have a lot of great players out there)
I dunno if anybody feels this way but doesn’t a single pokemon match between two teams seem underwhelming? I mean like say you got two teams meeting up and they play their match, and a team wins 3-0, then what? That’s it? I was watching a Tekken crash prelim series just now where they had two teams that played a ft7 and whoever lost just went to the back of the line again basically until it was their turn to play again. I think this is much better, more definitive, and more fulfilling. Cause I just think it’d be gross to have someone drive say like 30-40 minutes depending on location, to get swept all quick, and have that be that. Not only that but it can make up for bad matchups that each member runs into and it ensures that each person would get to at least play twice.
That would be pretty sick actually…with the way this is turning out a la frankmode the match needs to be pretty epic to compensate. Shouldn’t be too time consuming really. But honestly if you arent sure you can make it to events then I say you shouldn’t sign up either.
I even if you drive 30-40 and get swept, I think the idea is that these generally take place @ other sessions/there would be more going on that just the team’s scheduled match…but I do like the ft7 totem pole style, that sounds tight…but in the end it’s Frank’s call.
I agree that it has the potential to be over in seconds…
I was thinking maybe another way to compensate for that is to have more than one match up being scheduled per session.
Instead of only 2 teams showing up for one match at any given time with straight up elimination style play…bring together 4 teams and do a RR style or the totem thing. It seems like each event should be at least 2 hours long though imo…in the cases where there aren’t other things happening this can help build more hype outside of the people that are actually playing and draw more crowd I think.
Did someone say exhibition matches? You know there’s potential for some grudge matches/money matches going on before the main TW matches (I’m gonna like abbreviating Tournament Wars hehe).
Fight cards with Seattle fighting game celebrities would be sick. With the main event being the main TW match of the evening.
I just don’t like Pokemon style matches. Everyone loves OCV’s but it does give the potential for team mates to not be able to play. I like playing within a team because I would get to play people I never met in the bracket. I just feel like either Evo team battle style or Deezo’s idea would be more ideal for epicness imo
Okay well frank just told me about this today, and I couldn’t find the “other thread”, so I am just posting in this one! I am down to do this but would probably need advanced notice on session dates since I don’t drive, work a lot and my hours can be random.
nevermind I just found the other thread. Hmm after reading a bit of it, I think I will just not enter. The meeting rules seem a bit strict for my schedule so it wouldn’t be fair to my team. Sounds cool though, good luck to all!