I’m trying to figure out block strings and frame traps for some of my characters that I play. I have traps that I KNOW work in a match but I’m curious on how tight they actually are.
Sorry, I won’t be updating that spreadsheet. I made this early on, like the 1st week SFxT came out and people were still learning the game. I’ve since then learned the game isn’t very good. This 2013 update hasn’t really changed my mind much so I probably won’t be fixing any errors that were in the SFxT guidebook. It was full of them. It’s not really worth my time if I don’t enjoy the game.
The SFxT community should take this data and put it on the SRK wiki so everyone can update if they want to.
I would be willing to update my findings. I’m very active when it comes to frame data work:
I’d update it according to the patch notes. And over time, I would actually check out the start up of all characters. If someone stumbles across anything else (would open a new thread for it), I’d check that as well and update if it turns out to be true.
Anyway to enable access if you’re willing to share?