I just don’t know how to calculate hit-stun/block-stun frames. How would you go about doing this?
The idea came to me while thinking about block-strings and lock-down methods like Chun’s poke lock-down or Dhalsim’s close rush down on some characters.
Lil help here? I remember when ssf4 came out someone said something about using a VCR to do it.
I know there is an error in the title. But, like deleting threads, editing titles is apparently “too much power for a user”… Stupid SRK…
O_O uniform on each set normals save for command normals? Dang. Real frametraps ahoy.
Also this would have been put there while I was banned for talking down to the “illustrious” pherai. It would. >:| (I should play him. LAst time I checked his Akuma was pretty lacking.) Was some forum drama over him insulting me for trying to give a new user advice because I made some mistakes on here (clicked on a thread at the top of the site labled “comboing after throw” and I asked him what character the person was using because I didn’t read the top of the thread, but this is rather tedious and I didn’t think about it. Also he was on when I was first here coming from a site like gamepro.com. Everyone thought I was trolling then because I’d constantly reply to threads arguing points instead of deleting them. I wasn’t really aware how to use this forum at the time. However people did and still do troll and flame ME when I make internet social mistakes and yet get unpunished. I hate srk for that and it’s why my comment reads “bye”. I don’t like the people here. Most of them, anyway. I get provoked into insulting people-I"m easily angered- and I get whammed while other people go “innocent” because they are basically popular with the mods and the site.
Since then the user, manon, a Canadian girl, has left the site and street fighter because I- the person offering to help- was banned and she presumably- like most people- found the site’s populace rather mean and less than helpful.
/egh 90 percent here just argue and troll/
Actually special moves too. Projectiles get another 15 frames of advantage from one-sided hit freeze, and the jumping attacks get full hitstun (instead of 11) if they hit a crouching opponent.
There is a lot of stuff that should be in the wiki but isnt, look at guile’s, deejay’s pages for example, its lacking a lot of basic information and no one wants to contribute. So i think you would need to do it yourself. Thats a decent quantity of work tho, but it would be worth imo. If you dont have an wiki account i can put them in the wiki for you.
It is troublesome to add such data, since it depends if it is the first or second hit in a combo or block string and some normals rarely hit during some phases. For instance, Ryu’s far Roundhouse kick will only hit the enemy with the initial attacking frames if he extends his vulnerable boxes somehow.
It can be done, but as Born2SPD has stated, the ones responsible for the content which is being currently added already got a bunch of stuff to do, so other people would have to help.