Found this game for $15

is it worth it?

id only be playing it for wolverine. and my little cousin also loves this game

everyone is afraid to flame you because of the moderators and the new rep meters which are mad tight. But i don’t care.

Why in the world would you come into the MVC2 forum and ask obvious fans of the game if it is worth it to play? what are we gonna say NO or something?

Basically Marvel is what you make it. I once saw businessmen in suits playing it at the arcade. you can be mad casual or mad addicted. either way the game is indeed worth it. warning tho… you very well might get uncontrollably addicted.

why the fuck would someone be so anal to flame another person for a simple question. am i going to ask haters if it’s worth it? i wasn’t going to make a thread about MVC2 in the GD forum.

albeit you didn’t really flame me, ha ha so maybe i’ll take your advice.

Wolverine is trash in marvel vs capcom 2. Get on ggpo and play Marvel vs capcom 1 to play wolvie.:wink:

^ godlike.

Speed up wolvie isnt trash though. Just have to put in the work.