Found out why Daigo has been out of the tournament scene lately

This ****** Daigo on some gay shit now peep game:


this belongs in the video forum. However I do love the good old 80’s sax riff.


Who else thought this was going to be a bad tsunami joke?

daigo looking suspect

Raises hand

At least the video was semi-helpful to me, the links on the side had Mindless Self Indulgence which I forgot about.

Real talk. That under the lip piercing is WILD HOMO.

So? Since when are the Japanese known for their manliness?


Captain Marvelous is pretty cool, I was going to say manly but eh…that is debatable.

Since when is the average Japanese male known for their manliness?

My money was on a sex tape

This guy is actually quite funny, lol @ the dog dubstep & red carpet vids

One Night in Nuki