Fort Wayne, IN: High Stakes Hungry, Hungry Hippos League

can’t wait to play ST and starcraft all day at a smash/lol event hahahahaha
I just hope everyone uses headphones because this will probably get really noisy

if you need I can supply 2 monitors and some consoles as well just let me know what we’re expecting

Malcolm! We thought we had lost you sir. We had a good time at the tourney for sure.

And Tim! Haha. I have not brushed up on my Wii U information. Are customers being reimbursed in any way for this huge issue?

I also purchased a Wii U. It’s pretty cool.

Sorry about the double post. (Wanted to bump to get people’s attention or I would’ve edited), but for everyone Brent hasn’t told, Ty and myself are hosting tomorrow at my apartment. I’d start showing up around 8 or so.

If you need my address and stuff just let me know and I can message it/text it to you or whatever.

i’m da 3S champeen o’ da wurld!!! or at least of the December 2012 edition of Godlike Sunday. :wink:

big thanks to Malcolm for helping me practice Saturday night. also thanks to Ghetto Dave for making my Ken look so mighty! :pray: it’s ok, he schooled me hardcore in the ways of Iron Fist (Tekken).

i would like to stay at the Evo venue this year. it can be real cheap if we have a few folks coming. who is interested in Evo?

anyone looking to play this weekend?

I am, semester’s done and I’m ready to unwind. I’m still down to host this weekend if there’s no one else that wants to. We’d just need another console or two and maybe another monitor

DOUBLE POST: Hate to be the bearer of last minute shitty news, but I’m not going to be able to host tonight. Curt has been feeling completely shitty over the past couple of days due to over exerting himself during finals week and he won’t be able to rest at all with people over. Sorry about not getting this up sooner, I’ve been at work with a dead phone all day. Sorry again everyone

So…what’s going on this weekend?

i am going to a Komets game Saturday night at 7:30 with some co-workers and others. i’d be down to do stuff in addition to that.

I will be out of town all weekend. Dave, aren’t you going to New York sometime soon?

So took a look on Net Battles on Facebook to see my Tekken Finals. Thought maybe I’d look to see what I could do to improve. Of course it’s mislabeled, and I guess I don’t exist at all.

Tournament organizers…what is your deal with me? How hard is it to write me into a tournament, properly track me through the tournament to the position I get, give me the money I’m owed, and if you decide to put up a video, tag me properly? Why can’t I go to ONE tournament and have all of these things happen? They happen to most people that enter tournaments.


…so annoying…

man my Hwoarang/Armor King team did awesome at that tourney. i can’t wait to go back and do it again! lololol.

Dave: I just don’t understand how this keeps happening to you. People/organizers should reimburse you when something like this happens.

Brent: Nintendo is replacing the system for users that have this occur. Updates have already taken care of a bunch of issues.

Everyone: Nintendo TV is a really neat feature so far. Think old school VH1 show with the bubbles that popped up during the videos and you have an idea how it works.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

alright gang, this is a local tourney down in my lovely hometown of Decatur. i’m not the host but i’m helping to be a tourney organizer. i really hope y’all from Fort Wayne can be in attendance. it would mean much to me to see you folks there.

I’ll make it out. Better be practicing your Mahvels!

nobody is scared of yo dumbazz Flaskmastah. :rofl:

i feel like i can somewhat join the smack talk since i’m entering Marvel this once. hehe. i will be there exposing frauds. :nono:

That’s the plan! =) People sleep on Tasky and then get blown up (if all goes to plan anyways). I’ve been going through a character crisis for a long time… I feel like I just need someone to sit down and show me how to play Vergil so I can derp it out.

yo brent, for what it’s worth that Valk combo might still work. forgot you were supposed to use his tackle move to keep close to them. :\