which do you prefer for ST?
currently i’m using a seimitsu LS-32, and i know a lot of folks use a JLF. just curious to see what people’s thoughts and preferences are
which do you prefer for ST?
currently i’m using a seimitsu LS-32, and i know a lot of folks use a JLF. just curious to see what people’s thoughts and preferences are
i use a jlf and its AMAZING
best stick ive ever used , but i havent tried a seimitsu
After two games I don’t feel any difference. As long it’s japanese I’m satisfied.
Just as a friendly tip, you’ll probably have better luck with this sort of question in the Tech Talk subforum. The guys in there tend to know their hardware very well.
The majority of ST setups in Japan use Seimitsu LS-32’s, as far as I know. I believe it is considered the standard/normal joystick for ST because they were the stock parts included with the Capcom Impress cabinets from that era. Sanwa JLF’s are very popular too, though; my understanding is that more and more arcades have been (slowly) deciding to switch over.
I know this doesn’t help you much but it’s reaaally just a matter of personal preference. Compared to the JLF, the LS-32 is a little stiffer but needs to be pushed less far to activate a direction. Don’t lose any sleep over this, though! I’ve heard that most Japanese players (good ones included) don’t know or don’t care about the difference.
There’s not a huge difference between the two anyway; as the sticks break in, they actually start to feel more and more like each other. :lol:
JLF. I feel thats the best stick out there.