For Honor launched - happy Valhallentine's day!

Here’s where you recognize the console player :coffee:

Some funny shit happened today :rofl:

This game got so much more fun after I figured out how to not get bodied. Still suck at tech and escaping some characters’ vortexes, tho.

You could dodge in place and avoid the command grab, it’s guaranteed if he throws you to the wall or if he finds a move to armor through




Daubeny got Ultra Bitched… got damn.

Nobushi is pretty good

I’ve gone from “Nobushi is really good” to “man, Nobushi sucks balls” to “actually, nevermind, she’s pretty goddamn good” as I learned more and got better at the game. At extremely low levels of play, she is a goddamn beast. At the level you learn to reliably parry everything, feint and trade, she sucks because her options are really slow and linear. Once you get to lower intermediate or higher beginner or whatever you want to call the level where you actually buckle down and look at all her shit that fucks with the basic mechanics of the game, she actually has a pretty solid mix-up game that will guarantee a bleed if the opponent guesses wrong.

Also, Valkyrie sucks. Not necessarily because of her pitiful damage, though that doesn’t help. But some of her knockdown set-ups doesn’t even let her get a single hit in, so her basic gameplan doesn’t even work as intended. Or maybe she isn’t intended to get attacks after a headbutt knockdown, in which case the developers are fucking stupid because characters with way higher damage get guaranteed combos off similar options. The worst part is that it’s not a fundamentally bad design. In fact, I’d say she would be really good if she had a practical way of reliably getting damage in. It’s sort of like the Raider issue, where a character is built around a specific mechanic, but there are characters who do that thing way better and still get other shit on top of it.

Wrong thread*

I’ve been using conqueror and he seems pretty good if you can back somebody to a corner. I could be wrong though considering I’m just getting the hang of the game. I’m having a lot of issues teching guard breaks though. Is there a punishment or something if I press the guard break button too early? It just doesn’t seem consistent to me for some reason. I’ve been getting caught in situations where I know someone is going to try to throw me off a ledge and my guard break tech just doesn’t register. Usually in situations like that I try to keep attacking but eventually my stamina runs low and I don’t want to get fatigued. It does grant the reward of damage though as opposed to being left in a neutral state after a tech. Though even if I do tech the guard break they’ll just repeat it and it will eventually work even when I see it coming. I may just need more experience but it’s frustrating.

Another thing. If I opt to use my guard break at the same time as the other player it seems totally random who wins. Is there a rule behind how guard breaks work when both players use them at the same time?

You can only tech when in neutral animation, so if you’re attacking, you’re fucked. Also, teching is odd in that the window is huge but the timing is after the hit. Press too early and you fail, so hammering the button doesn’t work and teching as soon as you see the throw won’t either. Also, keep in mind that teching a throw will knock an opponent backwards an unexpectedly long distance, so on a lot of narrow areas a successful throw tech will instead kill your opponent. So try not to put your back to a pit when the opponent has no hazards behind him and the odds are actually on your side.

As for Conqueror, the main issue is that his shield bash is easily sidestepped in most situations and is fairly easy to see coming. You might catch people unaware one or two times, but any halfway decent player will learn to sidestep and punish. His attacks are also so slow he has trouble getting significant damage with any openings, so he’s forced to rely on the deflect windows on his heavy attacks for his damage. The Warlord gets virtually all the stuff the Conqueror does, plus better attacks, a better throw, and more useful strings.

Daubeny is a tier one fraud.

Warden zone, Peacekeeper zone and Orochi zone are fundamentally broken.

Let’s just take away the fact you can cancel light attack start-ups into them, and just address how the fuck it’s balanced that attacks are in the game you literally cannot react to.

You just can’t do anything about it, I don’t understand how it’s fair. Online populace is a clusterfuck of Orochi and Warden players at least at my MMR. Why would you play anybody else when these characters have what are essentially unblockable attacks and don’t have to be scared of parries?

Fix that, the guard break bug and improve the online so it isn’t shitty P2P and you’d have my attention. As it stands though this meta is fucking cancerous and I can barely be bothered to play, there is no level of training or grinding that can make your character better than the Warden, Orochi or Warlord. They have unreactable attacks. There is no tech to find, or a method behind the defence to stop them getting in, you just cannot react and will eventually take a hit because you’re working on nothing but guesswork.

On the flipside, every other character gets blown up by parries and has to work around the feint/parry OS mindgame. These characters bypass that, and spin the entire neutral game in their favour purely because they have tools you cannot defend against. I am telling you, without a shadow of a doubt you - cannot - defend against these options. They are outside of what a human can react to, especially when ZAFC’d from a different direction with a light attack.

Revenge is a dumb mechanic
Revenge with high level gear is a broken mechanic

don’t understand why it gives extra damage but the armour and unstaggerable state are cool

I enjoy seeing people with 100+ gear level pop revenge after blocking 2 hits and then instant killing 3 people with an uninterruptible zone attack

I don’t play enough gear enabled modes to know how they affect those stats

Warden is the One True Character

Pray that God takes mercy on your soul after I cleaveth your head from the body whence it used to be attatch’d!

I think the balance in this game because really obviously bad once you remove ring outs. Shugoki and Raider get noticeably worse compared to everyone else (provided you don’t use the unparryable tech, which will maybe??? get patched) without access to ring outs. Granted everyone can secure ring outs but I think it is obvious that certain character’s kit was designed around getting them more easily than others, especially as a round ender.

I win significantly more games on shugoki on ring out prone maps like High Fort than on maps with large areas with few stage hazards. I’m not terribly skilled but I find that shugoki actually struggles in finishing off an opponent if they get to the last 2 pips, because of the health regen and how low damage his lights are, especially against assassins.

PS: Shugoki vs nobushi makes me want to die, kensei vs nobushi is pretty fun