For anyone that caught the hori ad while watching ncr10

… please tell me someone caught that promo code for the $99 hori stick. I think it was the scv stick.

HORI12E101 for 360, 102 on the end for PS3.

So badass…just ordered one for $110 shipped. (free shipping!)

Mine came to 99.99 for the 360 model.

I was including the tax.

It didnt charge me any sales tax :slight_smile:



oh man…

shi* the hori scv stick is discounted, I might pick one of these up and make a panel for it before I am out. Oh man I gotta decide quick.

its ALREADY discontinued?!? damn that was fast…


Discounted or Discontinued, Joe?

man if only there was a promo like this for the V3

Good look with the promo code :slight_smile:

No oversea shipping… sigh… overpriced sticks in Europe ftw.

Well, you could get a proxy mail service to handle it for you, and if you live in Europe it would have many uses. However, if you are using it for just one arcade stick, it probably won’t be worth it. You can always check though, just to make sure.

Whether or not I decide to buy this stick is dependent on your answer. Lol.

Oh, cool. Thanks for the tip, man, much appreciated!

how much does it cost in euro? im sure someone is willing to offer up their services to ship one out

hahaha well how long does it take them to ship usually because if one person wants a custom panel for this then I will use that as an excuse to get this stick

Is this a promise??? It’s in my cart already, just waiting for your final word. lol.