I heard they’re spheres but how wide do they go? Do they cover the whole width of the walking field or their body?
MvC3 uses spheres.
SF4 and SFEX had actual boxes similar to what you see in a 2d fighter.
Marvel 3 is the only 2D FG that uses hit-spheres.
oh, well the question still stands. how do they handle the 3D width? Has anyone ever looked at them from the side to see?
What’s mortal kombat use? I remember in training or something it would have a small hitbox/hurtbox or sphere that would just cover the fist but I always thought that was too small to be the real hit/hurt box/spheres.
Marvel hitboxes in a nutshell
They don’t it’s handle like a 2d object.
So if you got a side view with hitboxes showing it wouldn’t be there? It’s just a 2D plane?
That’s the gist of it.
If you watch the MvC3 hitspheres closely, they are attached to joints and are specified as a certain width. When these joints move into the background, they get smaller. It’s super goofy!
It is the most time efficient way of making hitboxes though, I would imagine.
Yes. If you stripped all the graphics away you’d just have some hitboxes floating around in a 2D plane exactly the same way as they do in 2D fighters of yore.