Flying throws and peanuts man.... p..ts.u.g.?

anyone gonna be around this holiday? I still need to get some time in on guilty gear.

Walk up sonic boom on 360 pad. Yeah.

I am leaving for Missouri. I’ll be back by Saturday of next week. So to everyone, merry Christmas, Kwanza, or Hannukah, or whatever you celebrate.

I also got my ps to wii convertor today, sweet huh! When I get back, you all better have the tvc and the sf remix figured out because there will be some serious repercussions if it isn’t.

Merry Christmas and banana’s and ham all around.

Have a safe trip and merry christmahannaukwanzaa to you too

Edit: Thank my ex for being a lying cheating spoiled ass whore. I drove to pittsburgh at 2am and hacked my wii.

Get me that damn game TJ

merry xmas

u all should play Fate/StayNight Unlimited Code ASAP since the game is too good


i knew there was a reason for your one green bar

merry christmas guys

everyone should get money

so we can get ready for sf4

since that game actually is too good

It’ll be the first special/limited edition game I buy.


that is all

Screw that TJ! Cassh/Anyone is gonna lock Ryu and Batsu down and handle them. Random select partner all day!:woot:

fuck gamechariot

they changed their video format from .wmv to .mp4

why the shit would they do that? :confused:

when’s the next day for games?

and by games

i mean TvC and ST

That TvC is going to played on Sunday right? I am free all day for games. It’s going to rock.

I am also the proud co-owner of left 4 dead. So this needs to be played as well.

Jake san, it is unlikely i will be home in time for games on sunday… although it may happen. I am free after work hours all week and then with the holiday we can get some l4d in… and tvc (someone make this happen).

Still waiting on a response from Duquesne guys. This week comin up I should find out though. So if it happens and no one else have access to a hacked wii, well then you will.

Random post for the month:

To have smaller file sizes and shorter encoding time. Apparently this was deemed a worthy trade-off for the hit in quality.

happy new year everybody

just got back from new york about 2 hours ago

played alot of sf4 while i was there, tried out a game or two of BB too (not as good as sf4)

dear nate: you will love viper, she is the balls

dear jake: i didn’t play sagat (but you’ll love sf4 when it comes out believe me)

dear kyle: sf4 > bb all day long

so yea, i say i did pretty decent for my first time playing sf4. there were a few people there who were decent (a honda player, a ken player, an abel player, and another ryu player, and the guy working at the arcade had a good rufus) so my win/loss ratio was about even

we will need to work on focus attacks & all the tricks that come with it as well… that shit is tricky.


el fuerte’s moves are spicy like a jalapeno

if there’s anything else i forgot to add i’ll edit

but i dont think i forgot anything

edit: fuck sf4 for being $1 per play

jake - this is reminder to borrow that stick from malik

here is a quick recap of the list SAGAT SAGAT SAGAT SAGAT SAGAT SAGAT SAGAT

Just the very top of that list :arazz: A bit of chun is in there too but its still a good distribution across the board. At least it doesnt look like YUN YUN KEN KEN KEN CHUN CHUN CHUN CHUN CHUN CHUN CHUN…

Oh and I don’t know if I’m in or not. Either my transcripts magically disappeared in the mailing system or Duquesne didn’t send my stuff or somethin. But I start at Titusville monday and will probably find out this coming week if I’ll be back in Pittsburgh or not. If I haven’t gotten anything yet I’m guessing not.

And TJ I need that damn game!

sorry man

i was in new york playing sf4 the last two days lol

i’ll try to get the game to you as soon as i can

we should play st sometime this weekend

jake - you get your phone issues worked out?