Flying Screen questions

While working on a little flying screen combo video, some things were puzzling me. See if anyone here knows the answers to these. It’s easier if I post the video for reference:


  1. If a character tries to kill their own flying screen, can they do it ONLY if their attack causes a knockdown? I ask because Storm’s combo allowed me to follow up without any restrictions but Charlie’s Sonic Boom didn’t break the flying screen, even though I thought that all specials could do this (I couldn’t get a Somersault Justice at the end). Are assist specials the exception?

  2. Can a “normal” assist attack (Setinel’s launcher, Tron’s Projectile) break a flying screen like all other assist attacks seem to be able to?

Other non video related questions:

  1. Is Spider Man the ONLY exception to the “one chain” rule for normal jumps? (Yet he still appears to be succeptible to guard breaks.)

  2. Sentinel’s HP laser sometimes registers two hits. IF it is truly multi hit, is it possible that you can increase the hit count by damaging Sentinel while he’s attacking with the laser without breaking his super armor? (Remember that double Gold War Machine trick in MvC? Something like that)

I’m sure I had more, but I can’t remember them right now…

I know these are pretty easy to test but I haven’t been able to find my disc lately so I can’t do it myself without pumping credits into a machine. Thanks.

I just realised, even if you cancel into an arial knock down move before launching them, you still get “flying” screen. It sucks a hell of a lot more than I thought it did…

Short answer- some attacks stop Flying Screen, some don’t.

Normal attacks in general won’t break FS once it’s started, though that doesn’t necessarily stop the combo, as you know. The War Machine infinite is done in FS in your vid, for example.

All special attacks don’t automatically break Flying Screen either. Some will start/continue it, and some will stop it. In your vid, Spiral’s swords break FS, for example, whereas Ryu’s fireball causes it. About the Carlie combo, maybe Sonic Boom does break FS, but you started the chain combo first/at the same time, so the FS-canceling property of the special was overridden? Either that or it’s just a non-SJ special which maintains Flying Screen.

Super moves tend to keep FS going, but I think Storm’s Lighting Storm combo was the exception and not the rule. To explain that combo, I would guess that even though the super canceled the FS caused by the Typhoon (contrary to what the poster of a YouTube comment said, it isn’t like the Cammy air combo to super because Cammy’s air Cannon Drill doesn’t cause FS), but since Storm is still sorta off screen, so she does the auto-dash anyway, though arrives in time to OTG and re-launch.

Either that, or the assist being onscreen does something wonky. I would go with the former, though.

Assists basically always stop FS, so I’m pretty sure that’s the case, even if the assists are patterned after normal moves. Magneto’s Shockwave, Jin’s Bloodia Punch, Wolverine’s BBX etc cause Flying Screen, but the team super version of those move’s don’t. It’s something like that, I think.

3- No, Sabretooth and some other characters are the same way, but I don’t think there are more than 4 characters in the game altoegher who can do it. Sabretooth is the only one who I really remember, but I’m sure I remember someone else being the same way…

4- Dunno what you mean, could you explain a little more?

Great video btw.