As any student of the Street Fighter series has no doubt noticed by now, the Street Fighter series’ Poster Boys, Ryu and Ken have changed masively in the past 15 years. However, with every new Street Fighter game, minus the Marvel VS. series, Ken’s abilities over Ryu keep increasing and increasing. Considering Ryu is the actual ‘Street Fighter’, it’s about time they made Ryu worth playing over Ken in ANY aspect of the game.
So, for the next SF game, post whatever changes you think Ryu would benefit from.
My thoughts:
1: Give him the Zankuu Hadouken. Akuma has enough to make him special over his fellow Shotos. Shadow Teleport, that Jump Kick thing, Raging Demon, etc. Give Ryu a break!
2: Shakunetsu Hadouken should hit multiple times. Ryu’s thing seems to be ‘all my moves only hit once’, but come on! Right now, what’s the point of doing the Shakunetsu Hadouken over the normal Hadouken? At least this makes it do more chip damage, and makes it harder to parry (if that still exists in the next SF game.) Of course, if it uses the same system as SF3, Ryu’s Hadouken works fine.
3: Juice up a few of his normal moves a bit. f:MK should have the same damage as j:HK (it’s the same move) and passing through Projectiles would be sweet. Either increase the speed or damage on his f:MP (and Akuma’s, as well), and decrease the recovery time on his f:HP a bit. If Ken gets an A Groove Infinite in CvS2, Ryu may as well have the same thing. (Although this only matters if the V-ism system survives.)
4: New Special Move: Dragon-punch motion backwards + Punch does the elbow strike that started the Metsu Shouryuken in SFA3.
Any reccomendations or comments, feel free to step in.
Believe it or not, Capcom doesn’t intentionally make characters more powerful than others (excluding Dan), in-game tiering shouldn’t correspond with canon tiering, and you’re a fucking uberscrub for suggesting that it should.
What’s so great about Ryu in Alpha 3? Although Ryu’s Shouryuken is easier, other than ending a custom combo, his Hurricane Kick is pretty crummy. And I’d much rather go with the guaranteed damage of the Jinrai Kyaku or Shouryu Reppa than have to wait for the Shin Shouryuken.
As far as my suggestions go, most are features Akuma already has in CvS2, so they can’t be that rediculous.
In A3 V-Ism Ryu is good, and he can crouch cancel infinite after his v-ism combo. Also, v-Ryu gets the elbow from the startup of A3 Shinsho as a command move (f+fierce I think). Besides, his most basic v-ism is so easy I could fall asleep doing it.
Shakanetsu Hadouken knocks down when done close in A3. It also does a touch more damage. Has recovery, don’t use it for fireball wars. In 3S Shakanetsu does 2 hits. Why the hell are you jumping from game to game so much?
Ryu is close to top tier in A3. In 3S and CvS2 he’s solid mid to high tier, but not top. Far s.fierce is super cancellable in CvS2, and has retarded priority, speed, and recovery.
This is probably a troll anyways… if it’s not then you need to do some serious homework.
Yeah we should totally fix Ryu. I mean shit man, if he procreates as much as the doujins make him out to be doing, there’ll be tons of Little Ryus running around, shin-shoryukening shit. We can’t have that.
Yeah… his hurricane kick is glitched. It gives out easy dizzies.
And his forward + fierce IS the opening animation to Metsu Shoryuken.
Play the game before making stupid comments about it.