Fixing PS3 USB Paradise Cthulhu and Dreamcast via J-45 working, Other RJ45s not

He’s not a " fight stick specialist." He’s a “general practitioner” handyman. He does quality eork for a reasonsble price, but anything more complicated than building and wiring and you have to walk them through it.

I know “some” of the techniques oc joystick making, like the easiest eay to make a versatile stick is to use a one-wire-is-one-signal be setup and make switching PCBs and input paths.

By the way, when I said I discovered. I did not say I was the first human ever to discover it. I just independently thought it out without any training.

If, in video game, only one person can discover a secret. Then our Xbox achiebement dcores will be low.

In math, when learning new things. You fidvover secrets on your own. Like 5(x-4) = 25. I though if parenthese forced a different ordet from inner to outer, and algebra reverses arithmetic, then you eork from the outside in, so divide both dides by 5 first.

But the teacher told me to multiply out the factor, because it would vome in handy later, but yes
I wass technically right…