First time competing at EVO! I have some questions

Hey all!

I just signed up for my first (and maybe only) EVO tournament this year, and I have a few questions regarding the logistics of the event.

-I currently work part time and I’m wondering exactly what days should I be requesting off? I know to get Friday-Sunday off, but should I also try to get Thursday off as well? I registered last year (but ended up not going) and I vaguely remember being told something about something happening that Thursday night. I tried looking for the email again but I couldn’t find it.
-Will there be vendors at EVO? I wanna know if I need to bring extra money to buy fun stuff.
-Are there any after-parties at clubs (i.e. Marquee, XS, Hakkasan)? I’m going to Vegas with my non-gamer friends and I wanna see if there’s a way to party with both EVO attendees and my friends at one point during the weekend.
-If my friends wanna watch me play, will they have to pay to do so? The only other option being watching streams online?
-Any other tips or advice for a first-time EVO goer? I’m bringing a fight stick and plan on keeping it in a backpack as I walk around until its needed.

I heard about EVO a few years back and have been hoping to finally attend it for some time now. Coming straight out of college and free of any other prior commitments I felt like now was the perfect time to give the tournament a shot and set aside time to actually practice for it. Admittedly I’m only doing this for fun and don’t plan on getting THAT far; I’m only competing for the experience/fun of it.

So yeah, any advice or insight on what to expect would be appreciated, thanks!

  1. Depends on how long you want to stay. The event it from Friday to Sunday…so most would probably request Thursday to Sunday off, depending on where they live from Vegas.
  2. There will be likely vendors like Hori, Madcatz, Broken Tier, etc…
  3. Not sure if there are any official after parties…I think mainly players hanging out afterwards.
  4. If your friends are coming with you to see you play…they’ll need to register for spectator passes.
  5. Bring an arcade stick, good hygiene, and a positive attitude…and just have fun.