Hey all!
I just signed up for my first (and maybe only) EVO tournament this year, and I have a few questions regarding the logistics of the event.
-I currently work part time and I’m wondering exactly what days should I be requesting off? I know to get Friday-Sunday off, but should I also try to get Thursday off as well? I registered last year (but ended up not going) and I vaguely remember being told something about something happening that Thursday night. I tried looking for the email again but I couldn’t find it.
-Will there be vendors at EVO? I wanna know if I need to bring extra money to buy fun stuff.
-Are there any after-parties at clubs (i.e. Marquee, XS, Hakkasan)? I’m going to Vegas with my non-gamer friends and I wanna see if there’s a way to party with both EVO attendees and my friends at one point during the weekend.
-If my friends wanna watch me play, will they have to pay to do so? The only other option being watching streams online?
-Any other tips or advice for a first-time EVO goer? I’m bringing a fight stick and plan on keeping it in a backpack as I walk around until its needed.
I heard about EVO a few years back and have been hoping to finally attend it for some time now. Coming straight out of college and free of any other prior commitments I felt like now was the perfect time to give the tournament a shot and set aside time to actually practice for it. Admittedly I’m only doing this for fun and don’t plan on getting THAT far; I’m only competing for the experience/fun of it.
So yeah, any advice or insight on what to expect would be appreciated, thanks!