Fireball xx Aegis

are the inputs:

235P235P or qcf P qcf P


qcf P qcfx2 P

QCF+P QCF+P works for me

You can do either.

Practice doing it a little slower, if you do it too fast it won’t come out…

My real issue is canceling c.hp xx fireball xx aegis can’t seem to get this to work at all. I can cancel fireball xx aegis just fine though.

Timing’s a little stricter on cr.HP->Fireball xx Aegis. Just practice that one until you get it down.

I spent some time figuring out why it was so hard to do that the proper way

I think the key is delaying when you cancel the elbow into fireball. Whenever I cancel it on the first possible frame I fuck it up almost every time, but if I wait a couple extra frames it’s not so bad.

I don’t know why/if this even makes sense, but that’s how it works for me o.o

For me, the hardest part is cancelling into Aegis off of cr.HP->Fireball. I can do regular Fireball->Aegis no problem but when I do cr.HP first, the timing feels stricter for some reason.

the secret to doing cr hp fireball aegis.

the cr hp must cancel into the fireball super late. if you cancel the down fp late, its the same motion as doing regular fireball reflector. :smokin:

I’ve just been doing cr hp, stick to neutral, hcf punch qcf punch. But I suppose that’s just artificially making me cancel the cr hp into fireball late.

Why HCF? Fireballs are just QCF. haha

Or is that just something you do out of habit?

I’ve never gotten it to work with just normal c.hp QCF sphere QCF aegis, I probably need to work on that timing.
The biggest thing I wonder about is how to get the cancel to happen super early so that the aegis comes out before the fireball hits, whenever I cancel it’s right as the fireball is already hitting the opponent so I don’t get a lot of the followups that I see in other videos like
C.hp (1hit) lp Sphere xx HP aegis Sweep combos.

once you get the timing (which is counterintuitive at first) cHPxxLP sphere xx Aegis as a blockstring is not hard at all.
My issue is actually doing the full combo on hit, connecting with sweep after the cancel. I already knew what ryan said about cancelling the cHP late so that’s not mi issue. Many times fireball xx aegis after cHP comes out but either the fireball hits too early and the opponent recovers in time or I cancel the fireball a bit too late and they block it. I still don’t understand if it’s a timing issue, a spacing one… or a combination of both.
Sometimes I get the combo sometimes not and I can’t really understand on which part I’m being unconsistent