Final Round 2011 - The Last Major ( HDR ) Tournament!

If you guys really want to still support HDR, then this is your last chance to show it at Final Round 2011, This will be the last Major Tournament that head lines HDR…

The end of an era. Wish I could go :sad:

The idea is that people go, so it is not an end of anything.

Final Round seriously is gonna determine everything. :bottle:

I need a roommate!

Wish I could go, but my family is an unpredictable mess and I already have plans for other things that weekend (they were planned before FR14 was announced).

I can’t even go on Friday because my school system had that day off, but since the minuscule amount of snow took us out of school for a week, they took that off day away from us.

Whats final round???

So they’re even trying to get FR to switch to ST…