Filia mach up's

having a hard time with Ms. Furtune, peacock, and double can’t rush like I want to.

Are you playing her solo, or with another assist? If you are playing her solo, then that’s your problem right there. An assist helps for getting Filia in and helps make her normals safe on block.

I am useing cerabella for a back up

How do you guys deal with peacock + double assist.

usually when someone plays with that team against me, i like to punish double’s assist with mine, you can without a doubt know when they are ganna call it. And at the same time you punish, super jump up, airdash, then do mk hairball to get across the screen without touching the floor. Also make use of Filia’s Ringlet Spire since its Filia’s only ranged special.

Use super jumps or pushblock+airdash to get past Double’s HK Hornet Bomber. Use your own assists to give you breathing room when you get in, and try to create a mixup situation.

If the Peacock gets desperate and uses Argus Agony to push you away, remember that you can hit her out of the second half with Ringlet Spire to avoid chip damage and once again, to give yourself position advantage/set up mixups

^ i completely forgot about Ringlet Spire against blocked Argus Agony. What i usually do is if I’m blocking it up close, i stop the second half with c.Hk. Thanks for the insight, i’ll be sure to use it next time im full screen blocking Argus Agony.

You can stop the second part with a if you’re close enough lol. Heck even a will do.

ok what about Ms. Furtune? I get beat up when she spams tail and nails any way around that?

Push block second hit, jump back and backdash if she annoys you that much and you want to regain a neutral game. IAD j.hp if you want to start pressure tho.

How do I deal with Valentine? It feel like all of her air normals flat-out beat mine…