Fightstick options for a Wii?

I’m trying to convert my modded Wii into a mini arcade cabinet. What would my options be for creating the stick panel? I was planning on using some cheap stick’s PCB, but I can’t find any cheap ones really, so if anyone has any suggestions there please let me know. Would wiring buttons and a stick to a vanilla GameCube PCB be feasible?

Keep in mind that you can’t navigate through the standard Wii menu with only the GameCube controller.

You can, however, navigate through the standard Wii menu with Classic Controllers, though.
You might be better of trying to wire up Classic Controllers (or 3rd-party knock-offs), but then you’d need Wii Remotes for them as well, AND you’d have to find a way to keep them powered all the time (ie, not with batteries)…

I’m planning to boot to the home brew menu which you can operate just with the game cube controller. I could probably set it up to boot into a game if I tried hard enough

But yeah, the keeping them powered thing is why I opt for GameCube controllers

Heard good things about the DreamGear Arcade Fighter, but it may not be good ENOUGH for your needs. I do know there are adapters that let you plug just about any PS2 controller into the bottom of a Wiimote. If you already have a PS2 joystick (or want to build a panel for that system), it should be good enough to get you by.