games like vf5fs, sc5 and blazblue that combine very good delay-based netcode with large input buffers are overrated. they provide the illusion of offline-quality gameplay so long as you’re just “doing stuff” but when you start actually trying to react to stuff you’ll realize it lacks. don’t get me wrong those are still the best examples of delay-based netcode and i’d be glad to have something like that in kof13, but they shouldn’t be rated higher than rollback-based netcodes just because they do some clever tricks to hide their shortcomings.
HDR feels good on anything resembling a decent connection, not true for 3SOE
not sure if this has to do with different implementations of GGPO netcode or 3s being the kind of game where online can’t be good but either way HDR definitely feels better
3S was notoriously iffy on PC GGPO too (emulation problems I Think, don’t remember), I can’t imagine it being coincidence that the console version is all screwy too.
SFxT, Skullgirls, BlazBlue and to a slightly lesser extent SFIV.
UMVC3, Mortal Kombat and KOF are horrid, especially coming from any of the above.
Rollback has reaction problems as well, that’s really the part you can’t get rid of. I’d say that having to play slightly more predictively beats the game predicting wrong and hit confirming into super only to find out it was on block. That’s why GGPO has the adjustable delay to start with.
Best: ST on GGPO
Worst: HF on XBLA
I’ve never touched KoFXIII’s online because of how much flack it’s received. Game is still ballin’ offline solo, though.
Based on experience, I’d put SCIV, NGBC, and HDR at the top.
SF4, SFXT, MVC2, MK9, and Smash in the middle (DMZ your Wii)
TVC, KOFXIII, and UMVC3 at the bottom.
sfxt is better than you’re giving it credit for. Rollback should never be in the same category as input delay based fighters
it should always be
rollback\ggpo style games that are great online like hdr\SG
rollback\ggpo clones that aren’t as good as ggpo games. This is where 3soe\sfxt go
input delay based fighters that work online are 3rd. sf4\umvc3\mk9\kof13
actual performance should trump categories
yeah you’re absolutely right about reacting. doesn’t delay-based netcode require the delay to be double what a rollback-based netcode’s “rollback wiggle room” would be (assuming 0 delay) to work though, due to the synchronicity? that is, the delay between you pressing a button and that button press happening on screen should be equal to the ping in delay-based, while the delay between the opponent pressing a button and the button press appearing on your screen in rollback-based netcode should be equal to half the ping? which would make rollback netcode better for reacting in connections that would cause more than 1 frame of delay… although as you said you get the hitconfirming problem sometimes.
even if not, i still prefer rollback though since it preserves timings in the case of using visual cues for combos etc which you cant really do in delay-based netcode.
yes in terms of appreciating whats already out there, no in terms of being aware of what we ideally want.
Ive played most all of the fighting games and imo MvC2 and HD-Remix have the best online latency I’ve ever played.
Haha, what the shit am I reading? HDR’s netcode is balls, delayed rollback city. GGPO 3s iffy? That’s just your shitty comp.
Anyway, BlazBlue, get on it’s level everyone else, looking especially at you, Namco.
Don’t know about BB or SC, but in VF at 3 bars (the best) I can Fuzzy, Step and counter when I need to . 2 bars aren’t bad depending on the opponent. So yeah, VF’s netcode is boss.
I’m on XBL btw and don’t use wireless…EVER.
HDR had the best online experience I’ve had, the only thing comparable (to me) is Blazblue. 3S GGPO is more hearsay I admit, but it was certainly said… a lot in various GGPO discussions. A lot of accusations of 3S sucking on GGPO and a lot of defenses as to how it sucking on GGPO wsn’t the fault of GGPO.