Fighting Game Group in DFW (Las Colinas)?

I am in an FPS clan, but I am more of a fighting game enthusiast. I would like to compete in Evo next year, but will need to do a lot of practicing next year. Is there such thing as a fighting game clan, and is there one within easy driving distance of Las Colinas (Irving)?

I play Capcom vs SNK 2, and would like to train in Street Fighter 4 once it’s released.

Well, I live in Irving so I’m capable of meeting up with ya. Though I haven’t played much in a good while now.

post in the DTX thread.

come to the gatherings in Plano on Fridays at the House of Goons. address on the first post of the thread.

games of choice: anything that’s tournament-worthy is played, as well as new games. just about anything can be seen at the HoG.

close this thread.

we don’t bite. make friends. :slight_smile: