whoa, those must’ve taken you forever O___O i admire your patience _
Magneto took about 12 hours, Sakura has taken about 5 so far, probably will take another hour to finish ironing. I think Chun took about 5, but I didn’t record my time on her.
I’ve been working hard today.
Iori man, he’s hardcore.
Damn dude, that’s sick! Good stuff.
Started a new one for the June BSC from reddit. (sunglasses)
Yamazaki from CvS2. Since I don’t have enough pearl to complete the sprite as it normally would be, I decided to use shades of pink for his fur coat.
Yama has the best “deal with it” face.
This is incredible.
I tested out my setup for doing time lapse recordings.
Would rock that Yamazaki harder than a Flavor Flav clock.
great work brett. i use yamazaki in cvs2. keep up the good work.
these are awesome
brett - if you don’t mind me asking, what is your commission rate? and if you’re available, i’d love to buy one of these in the near future!
amazing work btw
I have a bunch of other projects that are not FG related. You can check out my other stuff here: http://reroots.deviantart.com/
Did you make a Megaman-styled Balrog per chance? A friend of mine shared someone’s photo on facebook and it was made with beadsprites as well.
No, I haven’t made any of those. I know it makes me sound like an “elitist”, but I’m not really interested in making really simple sprites like those. I prefer full size sprites because of their detail.
can you do goatse
New time lapse. [media=youtube]6IJS8_uKVUY[/media]
I’ve seen some of your stuff on youtube and SRK and I just gotta say it looks amazing, especially the FFVI goddess.
How do you do it? It seems hard to layout those beads with that many squares on the grid.
I was contemplating on making smaller beadsprites but I can’t seem to find an in-depth tutorial.
When I make a sprite I use gimp (a free program similar to photoshop) to put the image on a 29x29 pixel grid. I use that as the guide and usually pick a color that lands on a corner and go from there. If you would like a tutorial on how to do a simple sprite (one that fits on 1 board) let me know and I’ll make a video.