GGs to Everyone I played,
Next time davero, you’re going down in both games. (lets see if I can fix my frigging stick for 4)
GGs to Everyone I played,
Next time davero, you’re going down in both games. (lets see if I can fix my frigging stick for 4)
Desi: You forgot my name on the list that helped.
Dino and JS: Thanks for finding the place
Vince/RXS: Thanks for running half of the brackets and then completing it when I left.
Desi: Thanks for handling the other laptop
Jay Wang: Thanks for bringing equipment
Emily: Big thanks to money girl and for keeping track of it all.
–People I played–
Davero: Yeah, you got me. Honda is a beast. I’ll work on my Ken and get my revenge on you. Since I am mostly in the area, we should play sometimes. I don’t have a PS3 though. LOL You were better off with Honda than Balrog.
Who else did I play?
Great games guys to another successful tourny.
I would just like to say before this thread starts pouring with cry and whining.
If you are a player who just left because of long wait time, sorry about that.
Keep in mind that SFIV brings a lot of players. There is no way around it.
You will wait, and if you win your first match, you will wait longer.
The tournament started at 4p-4:30p because people were still coming in at that time.
If you didn’t enjoy yourself, then sorry about that. Just keep in mind that tournaments literally run this long if there are alot of people.
running a 90 player tounry in under 10 hours is pretty amazing imo
I guess Vince will post results whenever he gets up. As for myself, this was probably the best local tournament I’ve ever attended (SBII was and most likely will be my favourite tournament of all time). The venue, the amount of people, the old faces, it was a great experience.
Eric: Thank you for finding this venue and putting in a lot of the legwork.
Dino: Thanks for injecting life back into the east end of the GTASF. It was great chatting with you when we were chilling near the DJ.
Emily: Thanks for handling all the money over the course of the day. I’m sure we all appreciated it.
Vince/Teddy/Anant/Justin/Russell: Great job running the SFIV brackets. It was definitely a team effort. Once the initial bumps got ironed out, the system that Justin put together for the team to call matches was fantastic and should be used for all big tournaments.
Dave: Thanks for running HDR teams. It was a lot of fun with really tight matches.
Gordon/Dennis/Adrian: Great seeing you guys after so long. Dennis you honestly look fantastic bud. You must be beasting in sports or the gym or something. Good shit.
Myles/Anna: Thanks for making the mission from Ottawa. Your dedication to find the best competition never ceases to amaze me. Hopefully we’ll see you guys again soon.
POWNZ: For a lot of you, it was your first large scale SFIV tournament. I hope you guys had a lot of fun. I also hope you see we have a lot of work to do to get at a truly competitive level with everyone else in the GTASF. Don’t forget casuals on Tuesday. I’m going to be taking it up a notch in my own game as I wasn’t happy with my placing at all and know I need to take it to the next level as well.
Jay/Rey: Thanks for holding it down in HDR Teams. I’m convinced Rey is the all around best STHD player in Ontario. I think Jay was sandbagging early in the tournament. Watching his Zangief tear the house down in Grand Finals was sick.
GG’s to everyone. Thanks again to the organizers and directors. Thanks to all the players who came out and supported a fantastic tournament.
GGs to people I played. The HDr team tourney was a lot of fun!
1st - JS Master (Balrog)
2nd - Gerjay (Sagat/Dhalsim)
3rd - Chaos2d (Balrog)
4th - JDK_MARK (Ryu)
5th - DaflipmastaXV (Rufus)
5th - Blitzman (Seth/Sagat/Rufus)
7th - Arcade Legend (Blanka)
7th - Flightwing (Sagat)
Full results posted later.
Good times at SoGo. Thanks to everybody who helped out to make this a smooth tourney.
Thanks to Jay beasting and Justin finishing up giving this old man a break in the STHD finals.
Was fun hanging with everybody again. Too lazy to do more shoutouts, may or may note be edited in the future.
Good times, solid venue.
Fucking great seeing people after a few years, ‘Team Jewbags sabotage by spilling beer all over sticks and ordering muff divers for the blacknight.’
HDR is fucking hilarious. All about the teamwork! Talking shit and coaching, can’t go wrong with that.
If you sat there and said nothing then there should be no restart cuz it was your own fault for waiting to speak up till you got home.
And who cares if Js got up and took a walk?
where are full resultsssssss