Fight Pub: Round Two - May19th Calgary, AB

Another holiday Monday means that Dickens Pub and Gamer Sundays is hosting another tourney!

Super Important Disclaimer Stuff
Remember folks, Dickens is a licensed venue, and that means 18+ only. They have full rights to refuse entry if you don’t have an ID. It also goes without saying that we will comply with any and all decisions made by Dickens staff if they feel someone is over served and/or needs to leave.

Don’t be that guy because we won’t be handing out refunds to sauce donkeys.
End Super Important Disclaimer Stuff

DATE: Sunday May 19th
LOCATION: Dickens Pub, 1000 9th Ave SW (in Calgary!)

SIDE GAMES: Injustice, SFxT and Street Fighter Underdogs


12:00pm - Doors Open - Registration opens
12:45pm - SF Underdogs Reg Closes

1:00pm -3 - Street Fighter Underdogs Tournament
**2:00pm - Injustice Reg Closes **

2:30pm - 4:30 - Injustice Tournament
3:00pm SFxT Reg Closes

4:00pm - 6- Street Fighter Cross Tekken
5:00pm UMVC3 Reg Closes

5:30pm - 7:30- Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3
6:30pm UMVC3 Reg Closes

7:00pm - 9- Super Street Fighter 4: AE2012

9:00pm - Party time!

TOURNAMENT FORMAT: Will be the same as my Canada Cup rule sets (like you don’t know by now!)

SF Underdogs is a free entry: Early Sign Up Here
All other games have a $10 Entry fee


Directors: ME, Nos99, w00fles, Derrykblair, and Imagine4D as the stream gawd!


Booya! I’m still allowed in the Underdogs tournament right?


Suck it, 2LegitSteve.

yo i didnt even top 3 the last underdog haha

and troy beat me 10-0! more like FraudSteve!

You won tubby didn’t you?

My lawyer has advised me that I have no recollection of the event in question

come on byron we gonna rock some fools in cross tekken

I’ll be there.

well shit i better start not practicing my marvel.

if i’m able to be there (chances are good) i’m coming for you, team england.
i haven’t played a FG in weeks lol

Aaaaand Facebooked

If you guys could let us know if you’re coming it will help me get enough staff at Dickens if we’re looking at a big crowd.

lets do this!!!

I will do my absolute best to be at this.

Jimmy Tato my brudda, I look forward to it!

You betcha. I’ve added Paul and Bryan to my list of usable characters. haha.

Edit…misread something

See everyone on Sunday! And remember. Everything is being run on xbox360 so get equipped properly.

Post da results!