Will CAPCOM please do something about the fight money?? I can’t hardly get any

You mean besides grinding for it while enjoying the game? Not suggesting the game is drag, or you dont want to play it, just curious what options do you think they have, besides implying paying cash for additional content :slight_smile:

I only seem to be getting small amounts… 50 FM or so… I just want to know how to get more, fighting chance is depleting my FM :rofl:

Just go on a free V-Bucks page or something. This game is all about the letter V right? Maybe people think it’s a scam because they aren’t getting Fortnite money, but it’s actually going to their CFN. Because I can assure you, Capcom isn’t changing SHIET.

Do character trials and missions. Finish the story mode. Do the daily challenges. That alone should get you enough for at least one character.

Also I need to pay attention to the dates of these threads.