Fierce Economy: The Peacock neutral game and strategy thread

I definitely get where you’re coming from. I fought a Peacock player who got me with that snapback style combo from a DDSoul video. Thought to myself “Alright, you spent all your meter and didn’t kill me. Good job.”

There are some cases where adding a snapback to a combo can help. If you’re wailing on someone in the corner and can’t buffer an item hold, you can use snapback to knock them into the middle of the screen, then do Argus or set up your projectile game. It’ll be a better option after the patch, since snapbacks will restore a ground bounce. Hm, now I’m wondering if you’d be able to go snapback > teleport xx Argus, so you don’t have to worry about getting out of the corner. So many things to try, but enough combo talk. This is the neutral thread.

I can aready tell that xx is going to be nice. Usually, I use an item drop to cover the gap, so the opponent can’t jump over boxcar and I can use it for teleport crossups. Now, as long as I know the plane will connect, the drop shouldn’t be necessary.

i was thinking about a couple of other things guys and wanted to see what you guys think:

do you think it would be good as a rule not to argus agony x2 when we are holding item drop unless its going to kill? the thing is that after AA we are at a decent full screen disadvantage and the opponent can usually make it to half screen without us being able to do something about it… maybe just letting SID hit and give us mucho frame advantage to get out a couple of georges and setup our fullscreen keepaway would be much more powerful in the long run?

it seems like it may be so and we conserve meter as well. i got the idea from remembering ddsouls vids where he often just decided to use to setup a further offense by charging sid and releasing gdo.

OH SHIT! i just thought of some theory fighter stuff:

from fullscreen st.hp xx teleport crosses up… if we can time a lvl2 sid to hit just as argus is completing and then time st.hp to make contact with the opponent just as they rcover from the lvl 2… we may have a 50/50 mixup after any sid installed argus…

thoughts on all of this?

For now, throw GDO before the second AA and then execute so opponent has to deal with point blank GDO after the AA completes. Post patch, that new george cancel will have the GDO hit so you can set-up your range game or do another AA.

I had thought of the post AA, lvl 2 Shadow idea way back and went into testing with it. In theory it could work, but in practice the window for the cannon ball xx teleport is pretty tight and will probably just result in the opponent jumping out of the mix-up altogether. If you can get the timing down for the teleport, you could do something with H Teleport/Fake H Teleport though; M Teleport generally lands too far from the opponent to combo off of (cannon ball pushes opponent back).

The thing about the teleports though, new teleports are supposed to leave Peacock closer to the opponent, so she may actually have access to left/right mix-ups where either side can become a combo now. A decent way of testing the distance of current teleports is throw xx GDO, BCG, M/H Teleport. That distance is pretty similar to cannon ball xx teleport distance.

New dash mechanic is amazing! So much easier to make space.

why is that? can she cancel a backdash into another backdash?

also are you still going to put up those vids of you ownin some noobs? i like seeing noobs get owned :slight_smile:

She can cancel her backdash into her dash, then cancel the start of that into another backdash. b.pp, pp, b.pp…

And here:
Of the sets I had yet to upload, this guy did the best. I made a lot of mistakes, too.

Argus Agony: Best anti-air.

a ridiculously good pattern that AOF found in our games is adc

and string into gdo into lvl 1 hp sid… not a true blockstring but really good for getting a frame advantage and then doing adc (and can repeat)… in lag it feels like a lockdown… dont know what it would be like offline, probably not so good but has its uses when done smartly…

pretty damn good in the peacock mirror as substitutes as a fast jump in attack… but only works against a grounded opponent unlike a jump attack that can also hit airborn opponents, so it takes a good read to use well.

A theory fighter offensive pattern i just stumbled upon whos aim is to go offensive with lvl 2 hp drop while also getting as close as possible to the opponent in as little time as possible:

Call lvl1 item drop hold, immediately super jump forward, double jump at apex of height, airdash at apex of double jump height, release item drop in the middle of airdash.

This moves peacock fullscreen towards the opponent quickly while charging an item drop which becomes lvl 2 at the top (apex) of the double jump.

With that pattern peacock is able to airdash then release lvl 2 sid and if sid hits a grounded opponent, peacock can convert to full combo if within range. Plus if she has a long ranged assist she can call it out upon landing… So a way to use an “assist” on the way in and an assist to lockdown as well.

It seems pretty legit to me as peacock gets really high in the air from the super jump double jump so it will be hard for the opponent to hit her out of the air and then she can come down with a homing item on there head and go from there.

Anywho just needed to write that down… I be forgetting my theory fighter stuff all the time.

Need to test this out in non peacock mirrors as peacock is one of the only characters that seems to have an easy counter to this besides generic rushdown.

Since I’m running her with 'Bella now, I prefer to Cerecopter assist as AA, then hp item drop (hold) then Argus, dropping the item after the hyper. If I have meter for it, I use that item drop to combo into another Argus.

Well, my peacock is progressing rather slowly… I still have a hard time keeping people away from me… Its her atrocious AA game… I can aa people 3-4 times in a row and they still wont slow down… Just dash jump in x infinity… Teleport x infinity beats this… But im thinking that there has to be something better… And via soul searching and new awesome training mode i THINK i may have found the one pattern to rule them all:

Against predictable asshole rushdown asshat dash jump x infinity nub ( ie myself when i play against peacock with like painwheel :slight_smile:

Jump hp xx lk bomber xx backdash xx jhk

As long as you make contact with the jhp blocked or hit peacock should be near fullscreen and have frame advantage to get out georges and/or sid if they block its fullscreen, if they pushblock, again thats fullscreen both with frame advantage. If they get hit is the worst for peacock as bomber can act kinda funky there, but still peacock should have way more distance on her opponent than if she did airdashback jhk and they jumped forward at the same time.

Now that isnt all, peacocks jhp when used preemptively is probably one of the strongest air to airs in the game. When we combine that with an invincible non duckable bomber covering ground is when it becomes special… Ie if the jhp wiffed air to ground on a bad guess… Hornet bomber is there to cover for you, engage in stunning the opponent and allowing peacock to still get mucho range.

This pattern has its holes such as if the jhp wiffs against a character that is just about to jump but isnt quite in the air yet, they can also inadvertently jump the bomber… But thats where peacocks airdash back jhk comes into play… Even if the opponent somehow makes it through the maze they still have to continue moving forward.

Anywho i KNOW that on block and pushblock this is AMAZING, on hit its still better than airdash back jhk. And it also does good chip when blocked cause of bomber… So yeah just throwing this pattern out there for any double users not using it to go ahead and try out.

Hit them with the j.lp,, j.hp starter into re-stand combo, that will slow them down pretty fast or kill them outright if they don’t respect it. Also, charge HP Shadow, air grab -> drop item (lvl 2) -> Argus Agony is a decent option for making a fast air throw count, especially now that air throw launches the opponent higher. Teleport * infinity won’t stop people from derping with jumps because it’s not a threat, just adds to the chase. Try to make those predictable patterns an opening to your offense.

J.LP is a very good air to air, it’s really underrated.

Also, if peacock is holding a lvl 1 hp sid… Then jlp,jmp release sid (which will be lvl 2) will knock them to the ground and allow full launch combo… Not hard at all, was practicing restands on max height flyin painwheel in tmode

Man, I though the patch would have brought new life to these forums, but it’s as dead as ever. =/

So, targeting assists with Argus. Have a strong invul DHC for Peacock ready and two meter, H Shadow (Hold) xx Argus Agony bad assist calls. Vs Fortune and Pain Wheel, it’s pretty much free with the item drop backing it, since they have to jump to punish long range AA and you can just drop item on their head when they do.
Vs Filia and possibly Double, you do that anytime you have two meter and if a counter super is attempted, DHC. Fillia’s Gregor Samson will straight up lose, Double’s Car can be punished differently depending on the DHC. For example, I AA a bad assist call vs a Filia, naturally she’ll want to counter with Gregor Samson. However, I DHC into Bella Ultimate Showstopper and she gets punished. Similar thing can occur for other characters.

Double is an interesting case though. Due to the way she recovers after the car, you can follow-up with full combos if your DHC recovers quickly enough or ends in a way to capitalize on her recovery (Diamond Dynamo will connect with the last hit and ground bounce Double forward, for example). Try to add H Shadow xx Argus Agony to your game with a strong DHC for killing assists. Drop the item at the end of Argus for extra damage on the assist and lock-down on the point once they start respecting the DHC option.

Hrg… I’m going to take all of this information… reorganize it… then reread it so that I can easily retain information. I have a hard time fully taking in information that’s organized in this way, with some of it over here and some of it over there. I’ll learn it all one way or another. I guess I might as well do the same thing to the combo thread while I’m at it…

Yeah, the combo thread’s a bit of a mess. Ando was supposed to update the first post, but hasn’t gotten to it. I don’t help much, as I tend to make videos for older combos, while writing about newer ones. Just recently got a mic, so I can do the tutorial video without editing in text. Apparently, I’m going to have to record the mic audio separately and mix it with the game audio, but it’s still better than the alternative.

Though it has already been mentioned, one pattern that i think we should all use more is argus agony into lvl 2-3 sid… Seriously this gives peacock such a huge strategic advantage at fullscreen that enough really cant be said about it…

Peaocock is at her unequivocal strongest when shes at fullscreen with frame advantage…

Argus is the only move besides hornet bomber, that puts the opponent at fullscreen for peacock, even bomber though can be teched forward from, reducing some of the positional advantage.

Whereas AA i to lvl2 sid FORCES the opponent to come to peacock from a frame disadavantage and from all the way across the screen… The opponent afaik has no one move threat to get in… It will take 2 moves and that is what makes it so good…peacock gets a “free” move to set stuff up and knock back the opponent.

Like if she jumps away and her opponent jumped toward… They are 2 moves away again… This is quite strong as long as peacock has running room and because opponents tend to panic in this situation and allow peacock to keepaway easier without running away.

Anywho, i think it should be peacocks bnb off of otg and off of regualr combos… Its what i will be trying to do as much as possible.

So another few patterns im liking:

L>m>h bomb cancel into held sid then go on the offense. Seems pretty gaood as it allows peacock to put up a wall of shit in order to get out a safe hp sid charge.

The cool thing about this pattern besides that it protects a charged hp item drop, os that it is easily repeatable if the item drop gets to lvl 2… So that is a spammable pattern if there ever was one… Though of course in game you wont be able to spam it that easy… But there will always be the threat of being able to do something like that… Also note that the first bomb can be called while also calling out an invulnerable assist to protect peacock and at the very least be a meatshield against would be assist projectiles…this is a VERY GOOD pattern to know and be able to pull out in a pinch in the right places
2nd pattern:

The overload pattern that i stated in the op, only you dont use l or m georges… Just use st.hp xx h george, st.hp xx lvl 1 h item drop and repeat the pattern ad nauseam.

The pattern isnt good enough to keepaway forever, but it does give damn good half to full screen pressure… Generally you only want to repeat the pattern a couple of times before throwing out some l and m georges or mixing up the pattern even more.

3rd pattern:

With a lockdown assist on assist 1:

Call out lk george while calling out lockdown assist… This seems really good for general offensive stuff… The lk george comes out very fast, has remarkably good range for its speed, has high hitstun, and has very fast recovery while also being able to hit somewhat airborn opponents this is in my mind peacocks best pressure tool by far and becomes super special when you combine it with wiffed sweep to move forward then call lk george and lockdown.

This seems to work best with bellas lockdown, but works really well with painwheels lockdown N probably works really well with filias as well, though you could of course use this pattern well with just about any quick assist… May even be damn good on block when combined with a throw assist… Imagine that tick throw… Wow…i Need to check that out.

So those are the primary patterns im messing around with right now… All seem really good and promising, perhaps you guys should check them out as well if you arent already using them… You may end up liking them.

Im pretty sure that no one will read this… Which almost makes this even better cause i can say that i posted it up at this time…

New pattern not necessarily from myself but straight jacked from tjgamers and cisco kids patterns:

I actually came up with this pattern a couple of days ago BEFORE i saw tj putting into action against duckator… But i digress, his play showed me that the pattern isnt just theory fighter good, it is “can beat duckator” good… Which is good enough in my book.

Anywho the pattern is both obvious and genius at the same time:

Hml bomb cancel in that order, then call lvl 1 item drop.

And thats it for the pattern as he would do different things after that… HOWEVER!

I found a really good transposition into another really good pattern as well as watching ciscokids peacock allowed me to do something that not even tj has put into his game yet:

The transposition is tjs pattern (h>m>l bomb, lvl 1 sid) and then: st.hp + double hk bomber xx h bomb xx m bomb, st.hp xx lvl 1 sid, st.hp xx h bomb xx m bomb (repeat the st.hp xx h bomb, st.hp xx lvl 1 sid x infinity) its an infinite bomb pattern… One of many but it gives good all around coverage and allows time to plan your next attack or retreat.

Speaking of retreat, one of the things i noticed about ciscos game that isnt in any other peacocks game is CISCO HOLDS HIS GROUND. He’ll back up once or twice at the start of the round… But after that its spam time… Even if the opponent gets close to him he wont retreat as long as he has a good supply of bombs available… Unlike most peacocks that only seem comfortable when playing keepaway against a foe from fullscreen.

I applied ciscos iron wall non moving strategy and tjs pattern starter to come up with my own ridiculous bomb cheese. And it worked in actual matchups… Like keeping my opponents entire team on the opposite side of the screen the entire game kind of cheese… I fucked up alot, it isnt a perfect pattern by any means… But its damn good and outputs so much crap at one time its ridiculous.

Oh yeah, and last but not least, the secret to why ciscos iron wall strategy works so well:

Peacocks bombs get better the closer the opponent is… And in fact are at there best when the opponent is about 1/2 to 3/4 screen away… Even right up close is peacocks territory if she has a full bomb compliment:

Up close she will put a lk bomb in your grill then follow that up with an mk bomb then hk bomb then immediately after do a st.hp plus bomber xx item drop then since thwy are close the lk bomb and mk bomb will have already cooled down so shell do lmh bombs again and if any of that stuff hit its argus agony time pushing back to fullscreen. If it all gets blocked she can still jhp xx airdash xx then land and start the pattern all over again with hml bomb into lvl 1 sid etc etc etc

So yeah, i was surprised how good this was against an opposing peacock of all characters and it absolutely destroyed bella… Definitely a pattern to learn and have ready at all times… And if you dont believe me just watch tj versus duck and cisco against mike… The answers are in there… Though i cant get a head on ciscos bomb patterns… Those are things of genius that i cant comprehend… Tjs though? Those are right up my alley.