FGC near or in Monterey, Ca

Hey, trying to find out if there’s a local scene here in Monterey or close by with weekly gatherings/torunaments for Ultra, Umvc3. If it’s on Fridays or Saturdays it would be awesome. If anyone knows something please let me know. I would really appreciate it

Hey dude, I live in Marina and as far as I know there’s damn near nothing going on around here fighting games wise. I only know one person who lives around here that plays seriously. I play USF4 on PC and have KoFXIII, UMVC3 and a bunch of other games as well. If you want to add me on Steam my name is FBSO|Destro.

I live close to Salinas, (Prunedale actually)
Anyone else out there in the Monterey area?

My main games are KOF and Street Fighter. Though I have not touched street fighter in a while. I like almost all 2D fighting games and even some 3D fighting games here and there.

Playing online is fun and all, but I would like to find some KOF or street fighter players. close to or by the Monterey area. I’ve seen some players(three of them) in the Salinas current comics book shop. If you wish, you can add me on steam, my id is pegakorn.