FFA 5on5 Tentative 4/20

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if there’s a team with only three tony and I are still looking.

Can someone put my dirty black ass on a team? Any is good, im cheap, good licky licky all night…2 dolla!

Urien for hire, need 5v5 team, will work for herbal essences =D

pussys? I want to take on team ken masters for money! :woot:

Be nice to them vic!

we can still fight you afterwards or on the side.

no problem bub

So there is 1 confirmed team:

Team 5 Amigos:

Ray Ramos
JR Rodriguez
Ed Masters

… I also hear there is a 3rd coming of TEAM RASHAII

This 5v5 is gonna be to sick!! Anyone want a Q player?

That’s a pretty strong team

I “believe” this team is confirmed…


I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed too. I think Vinny is all I was waiting on.

I talked to vinny.

ill play if you guys can get paulee and hungbee to play. for some reason we are all never around to team up and beat you scrubs. for 4th and 5th member we can have none other than fan favorite, and best ALEX in the world confirmed after evo… DON MOTHERFUCKIN SNEDDON!!! and tekken/mvc turned 3s beast, DEVIL X!!!

If you guys do in fact show up, I’ll MM Don at ffa. Fuck that console bs.

oh yeah and april 19th is the official purple ken day so all Ken players play a purple ken (lk)

purp ken for life

team prodigy taking thissssssssss

Skip it, can I be my own team and play 5 times? Lol


if u wanna pay $50 then sure

If someone flakes can I get at this shit!

PWEASE MISTER! Tug on shirt

aight 50 bucks, im in!!! 5 Uriens!!!
