Feint Frame Data And How To Calculate

Decided to make a thread for this.
You can work out the frame advantage you are at when you cancel into a feint of some kind from a normal.
It looks like there is a 2f window to feint in, meaning all these advantages are fastest possible so I think these could all be 1f less if you feint late

~The Theory~

MRF = Recovery frames listed in frame data + (Active frames listed in frame data - 1). Minus 1 frame here for the first frame that the move becomes active
(fastest possible taken from: http://wiki.shoryuken.com/Super_Street_Fighter_IV_AE/C._Viper)
Lp.tk: 13
Mp.tk: 12
Hp.tk: 10
EX.tk: 20
Non-EX Seismo: 14
EX Seismo: 13
AFA: Extra frames that you saved by feinting, add them on to the frame advantage the move gives from what’s listed in frame data to see what you are at after feinting

~Example #1~
With cl.hp x Hp.tk feint:
(16+(2-1)) - 10 = AFA
17 - 10 = AFA
AFA = +7 frames
Add your AFA to what the frame advantage would be without the feint
For cl.hp its listed as 0 on block and +5 on hit
So with feint you are +7 on block and +12 on hit with a cl.hp

This makes sense because startup for sweep is 12f and you can feint into sweep with cl.hp (1f link) but not cr.hp (comes out as +11 on hit)

~Example #2~
With cr.mk x Lp.tk feint:
(16+(3-1)) - 13 = AFA
18 - 13 = AFA
AFA = +5 frames
Add your AFA to what the frame advantage would be without the feint

For cr.mk its -5 on block and -2 on hit
With feint you are 0 on block and +3 on hit from cr.mk x Lp.tk feint

~Useful data~
I worked out most of the useful normals cancelled into hp.tk feint
[move/on block/on hit]
cl.mp/+4/+7 (gain 1f)
cl.hp/+7/+12 (gain 7f)
st.lk/+0/+3 (lose 1f of advantage here by feinting)

cr.lp/+0/+3 (gain 1f)
cr.mp/+3/+6 (gain 1f)
cr.hp/+7/+11 (gain 9f)
cr.lk/+0/+3 (gain 3f)
cr.mk/+3/+6 (gain 6f)

cr.lk xx double hp.tk feint/-10/-7 (lose 7f)

cl.hp xx seismo feint/+3/+8 (gain 3f)
cr.hp xx seismo feint/+3/+7 (gain 5f)
cr.mk xx seismo feint/-1/+2 (gain 4f)


Very intresting and useful, thanks for the info! I’ve been thinking about the framedata alot and this cleared up a bit. I have some other things in mind, maybe we can discuss that over XBL? Good shit.

XBL: Chewiie Octagon

This should be sticky-ed.

First time I’ve seen this. Good stuff!

Is it safe to say that all of this data is one frame slower in USF4? So now some of this has no advantage at all?

Yes just subtract 1 frame