Fei Long Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

im have a tough time getting in on chun,this match up is killing me

has anyone figured out the deal with Fei’s MK Flame kick hitting twice sometimes?

It does hit twice on block or someone FAing but you have to be very close of a large hitbox character. Mostly because when Fei’s leg extend, he doesn’t push his opponent too far. Another proof of messed up hitboxes!

ah ok. I know its only a charachter specific thing. I only know it can work on Rog and Abel. anyone else though?
I wonder why it can get 2 hits though. its like the hitbox doesnt go away if it connects.

cr.mk beats all her pokes. you can punnish her overhead with focus/dash foward cr.lp-rekkas, or st.fp-rekkas. jumping mp stuffs her ground aa game. dont let her out of the corner if she likes to walk back constantly. fustrating match indeed. she wins air to air, and her stupid jab can keep you from getting regular throws pretty well.

Any tips on Balrog? I mean i know cr.mk, lk. cw helps but do i have to play him defensive?

Neutral jump/FA/HK CW his dash punches. Meaty cr.lk when he got no bar. Cross up then rekka when he tries to escape with wake up head butt.Punish his dash overhead with cr.lp xx rekka or grab him (watch out since he can trap you with EX headbutt). Don’t try to play close footsies game cause his jabs will beat everything you got. Overhead him (not at close range) when he turtles too much. Not an easy match up anyway.

i think it has something to do with being an anti air and a ground reversal?

overhead?do u me (he-zan-choo) or jump back roundhouse?thanks for the tips.how about vs ken?

Not true! MK Flame Kick will hit twice on anyone blocking/doing focus as long as you’re close enough to them. Test this out in training mode–have the dummy do a Lv.3 focus and before it gets to full charge, do a MK Flame Kick right in its face. It will eat the armor away with the first hit and then hit with the second for a total of 280 damage :bgrin:

This also works on blocking characters. Turn on the damage display to see that there are two damage inputs when grazing a blocking opponent. It should be worth about 40-50 damage, which is more than EX, HK, or LK Flame Kick block damage.

I believe he means the Hazanshu, as you don’t want to be caught Focusing the command overhead (jump back roundhouse). With the latter, Chun flips BEHIND you, putting you in a bad position overall.

Thanks, Balrog is my new Sagat… I was trying to play close and really had a hard time. I guess its like a zangief match, only less defensive.

the search feature is currently not working so forgive me if this has been discussed

but i was testing in training mode beating various special attacks with Fei’s ultra, and sometimes on a counter hit i get a 13-hit, 570 damage ultra. instead of the normal 12 hit, 495 dmg ultra

the spacing has to be just right, but instead of 3 punches -> cinematic ultra, i’ll get one punch, (delay), 3 punches, -> cinematic ultra

it’s situational but that extra 75 damage is a huge bonus

BnB Missing and Hitting VS Crouching (cr.lk x2, st.lp, cr.lp>rekka)

When doing the BnB variant cr.lk x2, st.lp, cr.lp>rekkas VS a crouching opponent the st.lp will whiff on the following characters:

Ryu, Cammy, Akuma, Dhalsim, Blanka, Chun Li, E.Honda, Guile, Ken, Balrog*, C.Viper, Rufus, Rose and Dan.

While it connects on:

Fei, Gouken, Zangief, Seth, Bison, Sagat, Vega, Abel, El Fuerte, Sakura and Gen.

My question is what do you guys do as an alternative way to get damage? My guess is cr.lk x2, cr.lp>rekkas but this is difficult for me at the moment I need to practise it, what other ways can I get at least moderate damage off these characters to make them more way of my mix up game?

*on Balrog cr.lk, st.lp, cr.lp> rekkas connects the above combo fails because of his remarkably small hitbox meaning it leaves you too far away. Maybe this is the case for some others I’ll have to check.

On a similar note which other BnB variants besides the 2 mentioned above are worth working into your game and why?

i have no problem hitting cr.lk x2, st.lp, cr.lp>rekkas on those characters, unless you mean after a crossup j.mk? cause in that case i just use cr.lk, st.lp, cr.lp> rekkas

the only other BnBs i use are st.mp, c.lp > rekkas (more dmg, easy hit confirm)

st.mp, c.mk > super

st.mp, c.mp > super (less dmg but easier link)

No not after a crossup, when they’re crouching. I put that in the title but I’ll edit the post to make it clear. Thanks for your input though.

im using close standing med punch more from frontal jumps as a combo starter. on crossups im either trying the all crouching variant if my timing is good that day. or on an off timing day, cross up, close standing fiercexxxxjab rekka x1 for hit confirmtion if im not being punnished for it. if my timing is off, and my opponent is punnishing close range jab rekkas well, i get 4 jabs/shorts and then go for an overhead

@Mixupmaster-i was talking about the hazan chu

I’m just getting into this game and I’m thinking of buying the SE fightstick and then modding it and adding sanwa parts to it. But I’ve never a fightstick or fightpad before, so I’m wondering what would be the best for Fei Long. And if its a fighstick do I need a square gate or a octagonal gate. I know many of Fei’s moves are 1/4 circles. Your response would be appreciated.

Never tried octagonal gate. Square gate works well to exploit shortcuts, like if your crouching down-back and want to do a flame kick fadc.

The biggest thing is that if your like me and enjoy playing with charge characters on the side, just for funsies, a square gate is a must. Trying to find those corners of that octagon is pretty hard when your trying to do :db::d::df::d::db::uf: motions. Also with an octagon restricter you’ll have to move the stick more as the distances are longer between the corners compared to the square gate. But it all comes down to preference, Ive tried both and ended up staying with the square. But i’d recommend trying them both out and coming to your own conclusions as its not very expensive and is super easy to install.

alright thanks…ive been looking online and I think im goin to buy the SE edition and then just mod it with sanwa parts. and just leave the square gate ad see if me and fei long work well together…