[Februrary 23, 2013] UMVC3 Tournament Lakewood CA 90713

Where: Genkiyaki 5526 Del Amo Blvd
Lakewood, CA 90713

When: February 23, 2013

What Time: The tournament will start exactly between 7:30-8:00 pm. We suggest you be there between 6:00 and 7:15 to sign up

Whats the Buy in: $10

What console it will be played on: Both PS3 and Xbox 360.{Mostly xbox 360(four 360s and two PS3s)}

BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLER! Wired Preferably! If you come to a situation where you have to play someone on a different console, we will only have a few controllers and sticks to suffice for that situation. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU DON’T HAVE TO BRING A CONTROLLER!

Pot Splits 60%/30%/10% for 1st-3rd place winners

Genkiyaki(the resturaunt) during the tournament

Footage of the last tournament is on this link

<iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“http://www.youtube.com/embed/EoKUNason6A” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen></iframe>

If you have any questions, Please email YuriPaddle@live.com or message on XBL my GT is YuriPaddle