Polish SFV distributor, Cenega, is organising a series of 5 preliminary tournaments in several Polish cities, along with finals taking place in Warsaw on 12th March. Although these are Polish Championship, they are open for anyone. The main prize includes 1500 PLN (around 350 euros), 1-Year PS Plus Membership, a Cobra headset, a Golden DUALSHOCK 4 and some gadgets. If you are in Poland or have a friend here who might be interested, spread the word!
All details can be found on the tournament鈥檚 website: http://www.ppe.pl/sfvcup.html
English rules can be found here: http://www.ppe.pl/regulamin_SFV.pdf
Facebook events:
Krak贸w: https://www.facebook.com/events/451016131763493/
Pozna艅: https://www.facebook.com/events/906125632834997/
艁贸d藕: https://www.facebook.com/events/1236153403066055/
Szczecin: https://www.facebook.com/events/1146676138677494/
Warszawa: https://www.facebook.com/events/1003047633099094/
If you have any questions, either ask here or send me an e-mail to jkdudkowski@gmail.com
The event鈥檚 final took place yesterday. Below are results and videos of all preliminary and final events.
- Kejim (Cammy)
- JesioN (Ryu)
- GenericSplendid (Laura)
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLchH0JXQUMgcGyuRzcJzqnDCUL6ZKgJQf
- krill (Chun-Li)
- IND Wacho (Karin)
- VanDarkholme (Birdie)
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLchH0JXQUMgeYTgWQhDYJjUCs0TLVm-51
- Tiny (Necalli)
- Markou (Karin)
- LockedAndClush (Nash)
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLchH0JXQUMgfTBJkUFl1zoSh827iXmiTZ
- TasTer (Rashid)
- Zolwiol (Laura)
- Kaczilla (Nash) - he couldn鈥檛 go to the finals to the 4th placer took his place
- tejotl (Birdie, Vega, Ryu)
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLchH0JXQUMgeovS61ojoeXGs65GgL14Lz
Warsaw preliminaries:
- Hayat (M. Bison)
- Nino Brown (Chun-Li)
- Shady Impostor (Nash)
- SFP | Tuscan (Chun-Li)
Warsaw finals:
- Hayat (M. Bison)
- krill (Chun-Li)
- Shady Impostor (Nash)
- GenericSplendid (Laura)
- Kejim (M. Bison)
- Markou (Karin)
7-8. VanDarkholme (Birdie), LockedAndClush (Nash)
9-12. IND Wacho (Karin), Nino Brown (Chun-Li), Zolwiol (Laura), Tiny (Necalli)
13-15. tejotl (Birdie), TasTer (Rashid), SFP | Tuscan (Chun-Li)
Brackets: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/12823347_1254097127938610_7177722269211215361_o.jpg
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLchH0JXQUMgepg0TrbofULyP9zbylIiJy
A few photos from the event: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.563630027119659.1073741830.526478840834778&type=3 and https://www.facebook.com/notes/wtsg/relacja-z-eliminacji-i-fina艂贸w-mistrzostw-polski-w-street-fighter-v-warszawa/1148237451875004