New Challengers continues with its Monthly Tournament Series: Voltage! Come join us and play the latest fighters with the Connecticut Fighting Game crew!

When: Saturday, February 17, 2018
Venue Hours: 12 pm - 11 pm
Tournament Time: 2:30 pm - 9:00 pm
stream: Twitch

Venue: $10
Tournament fee: $10 per game

Game list:
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite
Street Fighter 5
Tekken 7
Ultra Street Fighter 4 ($1 Single Elimination)

Onsite Registration: 12pm - 2:00pm
Event Schedule: (subject to change)

2:30pm DBFZ
3:00pm Tekken 7
3:30pm USF4
4:00pm SFV
5:00pm Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

Prizes is split pot at:

70% for 1st
20% for 2nd
10% for 3rd

We will take registration for each game for up to 30 minutes before it is scheduled to start. If you are going to be late, contact Frank Rivera so we can put you in the bracket if you plan on attending. Nobody is being put into the losers bracket or anything along those lines, if I do not know you’re coming and we start, you gotta hold that L.

If you want to see your game added please reach out to me Walter@rvrsl.com

Venue Fee: $10. You must pay venue even if you’re just playing casuals

If you bring a setup we will discount 50% from your venue fee. Please coordinate with Walter@rvrsl.com if you can bring a setup

Rule set:
DBFZ: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF, Double Elimination
MVCI: 3 out of 5 Entire Tournament, Double Elimination
SFV: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF, Double Elimination
Tekken 7: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF, Double Elimination
USF4: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF, Single Elimination

All games run on PS4
Monitor: Asusvh236h