Feb. 10th '07 3rd Strike and GGXX/ in San Antonio, TX

Prepare for San Antonio’s biggest VG tournament yet!

Introducing Joe and RnJ’s Smash+ Tournament named “Dantebayo”

When: Saturday February 10th, 2007
Where: 7007 Bandera Road (between Huebner and Grissom)
San Antonio, TX
Entry Fee: $15 per tournament
Payout: 1st: 70%
2nd: 20%
3rd: 10%

Other Tournaments played will be: Smash Brothers Melee, Gears of War, Naruto GNT4, and Tekken 5.

11:00AM - 1:45PM**: Casuals (Any game, first come first serve)
2:00 - 4:00: Tekken 5 (no DR, sorry)
4:00 - 6:00: Street Fighter: 3rd Strike
6:00 - 8:00: Guilty Gear XX/
8:00 - 10:00: Naruto GNT4

Other Games:

1:00 - 9:00: Smash Brothers and Gears of War

Note that you cannot sign up for Gears of War and any other game, due to the length of matches and stall strategies. If you have any questions, please email me at jonathonquitugua@hotmail.com or PM me.




Don’t gotta bump so many times, lol.

Hmmmmmm… I might be able to make it for this tournament.

i hope you can pozer
i just wish there’s a better turnout for GGXX/
same for 3s and naruto but meh
ill still have fun doing this

How many people are possibly going for either GG or 3s?

Unsure at the moment.

Its possible it could be a big turn out, or maybe a small tourny :wasted:
Only one way to find out :wink:

Ill be there…what systems are you going to be using?

I’m bringing mine for the tournament just in case.

What are the rules for the Naruto GNT4 tourney?

Singles, teams, 3 on 3, how many rounds, etc.

Usually they have it on 1v1, 90 seconds, damage default (2), 3 out of 5 in rounds.

updated first post, address, schedule and price change!

Alright cool, thanks for the heads up.

Just hope whoever was interested reads this in time so they know whats up.

UPDATE: I may be in Need of TVs and modded PS2’s! If you can bring either of those, I’d be greatfully happy! All equipment will be labled and monitored in order to secure your items!

its tourny day for all whose going have a safe trip and see ya soon