[Feb 1, 2013] Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 @ Live Music Event hosted by... (Tucson, Arizona)

Hosted by Atlas Crew in part with Real Jungle Cats

Feel free to contact me directly via email Jack@atlascrew.com

tl;dr down below after Tournament Info

The feature game to be hosted will be Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 on the Xbox 360 with Asus VH236H “EVO” Monitors. We will be running 8 setups. No other games will be hosted this time around. The first hour of play will be casual and when the first band has completed their set (estimated to be around 8pm) players who have registered will be briefed and the tournament will begin before the next band begins. The Venue has two rooms inside of it, one of them is about 900sqft and the other is around 2000sqft. The 900sqft open space will be dedicated to video gaming while the other is music.

There is no tournament fee and there are no prizes planned to be awarded however I will grant the top 4 players free entry to the next event that is one week later where another 4 bands will play and Black Ops II will be the featured game. That prize will be non-transferable. Black Ops II play or view of any kind will be restricted to 17+ so please keep that in mind.

Tournament Info:

Bring Your Own Wired Controller
Best of 5 Format
Finals will be run through a splitter so one monitor will be used in conjunction with a 51" Screen TV
(More specific Rules regarding character changes, any DQ info and etiquette will be provided later or on the date of the tournament)
This time around No Streaming is being planned however we do have an internet connection available and if anyone wants to offer that please contact me ASAP


When: Feb 1st 2013
Where: 4648 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson Arizona, 85712
How Much: $8 entry to venue, Tournament and Casual Play are both free
Doors Open: 7pm
Open Registration: Taken at the door as you pay, you simply opt-in
Close Registration: 7:30 which is 30 minutes after the Doors open
Tournament Start: Between when 1st band finishes set and 2nd band begins
Tournament End: When it’s over and any remaining time we’ll just leave all the setups out until close
Doors Close: 11pm

The prizes for the upcoming UMVC3 Tournament will be as follows:

1st Place

$50 Bookmans Gift Card
$20 Xbox Live Points (1600pts)
Free Entry to next event one week later

2nd-4th place will receive free entry to the event one week later

$8 entry to the venue. You’ll have access to gaming or music, whatever you’d like. Tournament entry is free with venue fee, just register at the door as you come in and we’ll know to put you into the brackets.