Dates: Every Tuesday.
Location: Onyx Cafe
950 King Drive,
Daly City CA, 94015
(We encourage people to buy drinks in lieu of a venue fee.)
**Entry: **Casuals are free. 2$ per tournament.
**Payouts: **(Depending on the entrants) Winner take all or 1st: Gets most of pot, 2nd: Entry Fee
**Games: **Usually AE or UMVC3. Post in this thread or facebook page if you want different games.
We need at least 8 entrants per game.
Rules: Standard tournament rules. Double elimination. BYOC. We will have both 360 and PS3.
Depending on time, WF/LF will be 2/3 or 3/5. GF will always be 3/5.
PM or respond on FB if you have any questions.