FC NYChrisG Should receive a yellow card, have evo seed points revoked, etc

Red Herring since: 3 minutes ago.

This is definitely my main account though, because I would totally call out the best player on the east coast on my main account. You’re a smart one.


The reason they stated for the yellow card was ‘intentionally under-performing’, plain and simple.

Whether they were friends or not, how you speculate the match would have gone had he tried, and whether or not they split the pot, these things are not relevant.

Even if Chris G played the best KOF XIII of his life, it would still look like he was under performing against Bala

Wait you have an alt account to hide behind? Seriously?

Its disheartening to sit through a top 8 and expect to see the pinnacle of skill in the grand finals and instead to see a joke.

Its really Bala himself

I don’t buy that and I’m just telling you what they said themselves.

Don’t be scared, homie

So why exactly did ChrisG decided to reenact Big 2 GF at PowerUp? Was he salty or did he just give up?

How about you stop it from happening and get to GF yourself and play it out?

who gives a fuuuuuck!

But what if I just want to watch a good match?

Did you tell Mr Wizard the same thing?

Then you honestly can’t complain.

I’m an strict believer of “only those who do can complain”, and for the most part, the people who DO don’t have time to complain, they’re too busy DOING.

Who gives a fuck when people joined? Why is it relevant?

That’s pretty inspirational.

Regardless, I feel this would be a bigger issue if it were at a bigger tournament with a bigger game.

When he decided to revoke justin’s seed points, I was wondering if this same person told MrWiz to STFU and get to top 8 if he wanted to do something about it.

It shouldn’t be an issue, let them forfeit.

I’m not complaining.

I just like fighting game tournaments, and think Evo should keep their rulings consistent

I would like Evo to release a statement saying that "throwing a match is against the rules, unless its KoF, because who gives a fuck about KoF? Also if they aren’t friends its totally cool to throw a match. "

Sorry, not relevant, not even slightly.