Personally I like:
Game FM -mostly for "I’m the King"
Chatterbox FM - the conversations are hilarious!
Jah FM - there’s nothing like cruising around and causing destruction to some chilled out reggae!
OP is Autistic FM - Dude has no clue he is posting a dumb thread!
The one where Claude flips off the car horns
Whichever one plays She’s on Fire. Gotta love the 80’s.
~When the beat goes on~
~Just like my love, everlasting~
I don’t why I like Nature’s nursery rhyme freestyles but they have so much swag to them.
The station with all the ScarFace songs, followed by the rap station and Chatterbox.
To be honest, I think GTA3 has one of the best soundtracks of all GTA games and that’s one of the reasons it’s still my favorite GTA game. I can even tune into the opera station or the techno one and enjoy them to an extent.
That’s Vice City.