Fastest way to get out of dizzy?

Never actually bothered looking in to it, but a couple people I played mashed out of dizzy in like 1 second so I figured I might as well jump on the boat.

What’s the quickest way out? Rotating the joystick? Just moving the joystick left and right? Do buttons matter?


dunno how right that is, but buttons do matter.

Try not to mash, rotate the stick for all 8 inputs, for the buttons i drum the punches consecutively but place my index back on jab as my ring finger leaves fierce to get the 6 drum inputs to repeat. Then you can try to hit the kicks randomly with the base of your hand but this can be hard depending on the button arrangement. Honestly though I can’t think of many situations where you would be able to mash out of a stun from a decent player so I doubt any of this effort matters.

I am not sure how that thread Gaijinblaze linked to could be correct

If the game runs at 60 fps, then none of these dizzy’s are above 3 seconds, but a non mashed dizzy is always greater than that. Or am I misinterpreting something here?

wat a scrub! my mashing method ownz urz 4 free…FL tomorrow

3 seconds is actually spot on for a non mashed stun.

Yeah, 3 seconds is actually a pretty long time in Street Fighter.

Just checked it out and counted a couple times and you both are right. Strange how it seems longer in game.

Mash for a sec with rotations, then rotations only. Not that hard to get out of them in under a second.

That would still be over a second. I sense deceit!

play marvel and learn how to mash. it always gets me out of jump stun combos

IE mak s.hpxxex hayate.