FAQ Check...Check 1, 2, 3

Hey guys.

As you’ve already heard me say several times over, I posted a Cross-up, Link, and Combo FAQ on GameFAQs.com. In case you haven’t look at it already (maybe because you have a life or something…I dunno), here’s the link to it.


(There’s a link to it under the PS3 console game list, as well.)

Anyway, here’s why I’m starting a thread about this. I would like for you all to post any errors that you’ve found here. Someone just PM’ed me about an erroneous Guile link that I really should’ve known about (Crouch strong, crouch roundhouse? Not on your life, pal!) and I know there are some other things that need to be corrected, too. So…post what you find here. I’ll try to update this post so that people don’t post redundantly.

Please note that I was already (and still am) working on an update to this FAQ. FYI, I also created a version of this FAQ for Vanilla ST and I am trying to create it for World Warrior, Champion Edition, and Hyper Fighting. Keep your eyes open for them! :slight_smile:

Errors that I know about so far:

All links need to be checked against the frame data. SNES SSF2 and HDR have differing frame data, so that old information probably doesn’t apply to ST or HDR.
“Charge Partitioning” doesn’t exist in ST. That section should be called “Pausing” or “Maximum Charge Frame Input”.

Cr.strong, cl.fierce whiffs on a few characters, but cr.strong, cr.fierce will hit those characters. Needs to be notated in Ryu’s links and combos.

It’s not Blanka Ball. It’s either Horizontal Ball or Vertical Ball. If both apply, list them as Horizontal/Vertical Ball.
Head Butt (b/f+strong) is cancellable on first hit. (I knew it, but didn’t put it in the FAQ.)
Cl.strong, Head Butt is an easy link that deserves to be in the FAQ.
After a meaty cr.forward, St./cr.fierce will work while the Head Butt whiffs.
Jump roundhouse, Head Butt (1 hit) XX Jab Horizontal Ball is a 3 hit combo (possibly only in HDR), not a throw setup.
Combo 9 (Jump fierce, close strong XX Strong Electricity) is not a bread-and-butter combo and only seems to work on Honda, Blanka, and Zangief.
Combo 18 should read: Meaty Grand Shave Roll SC, crouch forward XX Vertical Ball, since the Meaty Grand Shave Roll SC will most likely cross up in the corner.

Crouch strong, crouch roundhouse is not a link.

Fei Long:
RekkuKyaku (Chicken Wing) does not allow for ground combos after it in HDR like it did in Vanilla ST.



crouch forward: Head Butt <== never seen this before and I can’t make it work
close/stand fierce <== can’t get this to work either

Short Beast Roll (charge b,f+kick): (started at or near point-blank
range) any normal move, Head Butt, Slide (df+fierce),
Horizontal/Vertical Blanka Ball, Electricity (tap punch rapidly). <== possibly, but this ish is so impractical I didn’t even bother testing it.


Rapid-fire chain attacks: None.
Cancellable attacks: Close/crouch jab, close/crouch short, close
strong, crouch forward. <== Additionally headbutt on first hit is cancellable

Best point-blank range combos (tick throw setups):
Electricity (tap punch rapidly): Close strong XX Strong Electricity.
Horizontal Ball (charge b,f+punch): Crouch forward (x2) XX Fierce
Horizontal Ball
Vertical Ball (charge d,u+punch): Crouch forward XX Vertical Ball
Beast Roll (charge b,f+kick): None
Backward/Forward Beast Hop (b/f+2K): Crouch forward XX Forward Beast Hop, Bite
Grand Shave Roll SC (charge b,f,b,f+punch): None

Basic Combos:

  1. Stand short, Bite (TT) <== this isn’t a combo

Intermediate Combos:
4. Jump fierce, close strong, crouch fierce (BnB) <== not a bnb in my books and is a 1 frame link NB in HF/CE blanka’s low fierce punch was 2 frame faster, making this a viable link combo
6. Jump roundhouse, Head Butt (1 hit) XX Fierce Horizontal Ball
(BnB) <== I use j.fierce but whatever BnB dizzy punish
7. Jump roundhouse, Head Butt (1 hit) XX Jab Horizontal Ball
(whiff), Bite (TT) <== I don’t think this works either, but I’m testing ST not HDr
9. Jump fierce, close strong XX Strong Electricity (BnB) <== not a bnb at all, won’t even combo half the time
10. Jump roundhouse, close strong, crouch roundhouse <== this is also a retarded tight combo
11. Bite, (whiffed) Short Beast Roll, Bite (TT) <== I don’t think you should list tricks as combos
12. Short Beast Roll (3 hits), close strong, crouch fierce (Point-
blank range on Dhalsim, T. Hawk, Zangief, and Sagat)

Advanced Combos:
13. Cross-up fierce, close strong (x2), crouch strong/fierce <== (bnb on fat characters only)
14. Cross-up short, crouch forward XX Forward Beast Hop, Bite (TT) <== ugh
15. Short Beast Roll (3 hits), crouch forward, Head Butt (1 hit) XX
Fierce Horizontal Ball (Point-blank range on Dhalsim, T. Hawk,
Zangief, and Sagat) <== this doesn’t even work did you test any of these combos?
16. Cross-up forward, close strong, crouch forward XX Forward Beast
Hop, Bite (TT) <== again I don’t think tricks are combos
18. Meaty Grand Shave Roll SC, crouch forward XX Fierce Blanka Ball
(Corner only) <== I’m pretty sure this is upball not fierce blanka ball

I just copied and pasted the entire blanka section and here’s what I think is erroneous. I mean I’m not expert but I don’t believe these combos work and I just tested them in fba. vid me up and I’ll be a believer!

but yeah, I tested ST blanka, and last I checked low forward into headbutt was not added to blanka’s arsenal in remix.

I don’t see cl.Strong, fw.Strong (headbutt) in there. That should probably be under the basic combo section. Isn’t that Blanka’s easiest link?

Is it a timing issue or a spacing issue? I need specifics. According to the frame data, those links are very possible, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the crouch forward pushes most characters too far back for them to get hit by the Head Butt (b/f+:mp:) or the stand fierce.

Try them on Zangief…because he was my test dummy when I first wrote the SNES SSF2 Link FAQ. (Yes, I know…silly choice and I should’ve tested those links on everyone.)

Except for the Slide, I’m certain that all of this works. It’s one of the few links that I find myself testing over and over again because of Decoy’s Beast Roll (b.k.a. Rainbow Roll) shenanigans video.

Excellent catch, sir. Thank you.

As noted by the “TT” which means…what…you didn’t look at the legend? SHAME!!!..Tick Throw. :slight_smile: I wrote a whole section about how tick throws aren’t combos! That was good writing too! :slight_smile:

If I change that to end with stand fierce, will that work as a viable BnB combo? Now that I think about it, stand fierce is much easier to link to in this case.

Test both. I posted a similar thread in Vanilla ST.

Number 9, I’ll take the BnB tag off of it…but as a guy whose been doing Vanilla ST Chun Li Lightning Kick combos, this combo isn’t that hard for me in this game or CvS2. I really don’t see it not comboing in HDR. But, if it whiffs against certain people, list them.

Number 10, I’ll move to the advanced section and put the link to crouch fierce in its place.

Number 11, since I already wrote a section on tick throws and how they can be used, I may as well leave this throw shenanigan in. Hopefully a noob will read it and dump that scrubbish mentality that throws are cheap since “everybody’s going to be reading this”. Maybe they’ll think that. I dunno. Anyway, these tricks weren’t evident to me when I was new to the tick throw game, so I’m hoping to help somebody out.

Number 13…I really need to test this one more. I’m pretty certain now that crouch fierce will not hit anybody in that combo. Crouch strong, however, works very well, but I do need to test who it will actually hit.

Numbers 14 and 16, see my remark to number 11.

Number 15, I’ll change it to crouch forward (x2) if the Head Butt whiffs.

Number 18, I saw in one of Decoy’s videos. Since the opponent was hit with that crouch forward at point-blank range in the corner, it really wouldn’t matter if you used the Horizontal or Vertical Ball. (Why did I put “Blanka Ball”, though? That needs to be changed.)

I appreciate the help, Khiem. I wish I could post these on YouTube, but I have to figure out how to actually videotape myself and get it onto my computer. :slight_smile: (And I don’t want to end up with poor quality video, either.) I have a camera now, so I don’t have an excuse. :slight_smile: I am moving, though, so it’ll take some time to get everything squared away at the new place.

Thanks again.

That would actually be second to simply doing cl.:mp: (x2). I dunno…I guess I thought cl.:mp:, st.:hp: was better damage-wise while still being relatively easy to do. I remember Fatboy mentioning the same thing. I’ll add it. Thanks.

tried meaty low forward on gief, spacing prevents headbutt, and I just can’t get the fierce to link.

ok I figured it out. jab ball will combo every time. what does happen though is that short rainbow roll will whiff with enough spacing.

everybody but honda, gief and blanka will be too far for the electricity to combo 95% of the time and even then I have my doubts about them too.

more like than not, but the meaty ground shave roll will cross up making upball much more practical.

I checked the frame data and close/stand fierce would only possibly link if it’s meaty. Crouch fierce could work off of a meaty low forward, as well. Thanks for finding that. I’ll change it.

Ok, I’ll note that, too. Weren’t the distances on the Horizontal Ball increased for HDR? If so, I need to look at the difference between ST and HDR again. This may be a Vanilla ST only trick.

So noted.

I get what you’re saying now. You’re right. I’ll change that as well.

I believe, for a number of Ryu’s links, the remaining active frames have not been added to the move’s recovery and the further attack startup frames, which would lead to the conclusion that cr.jab, cl.jab, cr.short, cl.short, cr.forward and cl.forward are linkable from.

The cr.strong linked into cl.fierce is character dependent. I noticed you have mentioned which combos work on Gief only, so you might want to include this information. I guess such a thing would not change from vanilla do HDR, and I think I have a post in the ST Ryu thread with link combos from cr.strong into cr.ctrong, crouching fierce and standing fierce. It was based on Japanese ST speed 3 gameplay.

How are you supposed to do:
19. Cross-up forward, close roundhouse XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper
with DJ?

with no jabs or shorts I’ll never have enough charge time for the MGU.


The same way you do Jump fierce, close fierce XX Flash Kick with Guile. Charge down right after jumping. When you land, the MGU will be charged.

Are you saying that I’m not taking in to consideration that when a move hits, the remaining hitting frames and the recovery frames factor into frame advantage? To tell the truth, I’ve been doing that since I’ve been looking at T.Akiba’s Frame Data.

I think the real problem with the links I have listed is that I copied them straight from my SNES SSF2 Link FAQ with the intent of looking at the frame data and then making the proper changes. When I did the SNES SSF2 Link FAQ, I wrote down every link that I actually saw work right before my eyes. I didn’t know anything about frame data.

So, that being said, I still have every intent of going through those links and comparing them to the frame data…and even listing what links whiff on certain characters. Unfortunately, I put pressure on myself when I kept saying that the FAQ would be out soon. My bad.

You’re absolutely right about this. I know from personal experience that cr.strong, cl.fierce works on everyone but 2 or 3 characters (could be 4) and that those characters will get hit if you substitute in cr.fierce. That’s information that I’m going to be putting in the FAQ as I update it.

Thanks for catching both of those things.

Yeah, I assumed too much: I supposed, because some of the Ryu links would not work (on vanilla Japan ST speed 3) either they were based on no frame skipping at all or the remaining hitting frames from the moves were not taken into consideration for that particular character. Or my timing sucks big time, but I did try them enough times so as to believe it was actually impossible. I apologize: I didn’t realize it was based on the SNES SSF2. And do not worry about mistakes, man: such things are just doomed to demand a lot of revisions before it is done “right,” that is, with so few mistakes that is OK that it is published. Revising manuscripts (I’ve done so for a few dissertations) and finding mistakes or unclear sections is much easier than writing the whole damn thing. What I mean is, please, don’t get things personal, because they really are not.

As for the help, you are welcome. I’d revise the whole document, but I lack both time and character knowledge.

Regards, man!