Fanatiq Money Match Thread

Made this last year, so here goes the next one… Post up if you wanna match me, or if you want someone else to do it… name price and terms.
I’ll keep this first post updated.

Smooth diaper already knows whats good he’s first on my take down list (no homo).

I might want to mm since i’ve played you before.

so this is how youre paying for your trip.

you slick mufugga you!!

Stole the idea from you.

dvdrummer how much? how many games?

How about 3 of 5 for $5 and a custom marvel.

Not here to make a challenge, but to give props to Fanatiq. I MM’d you at FFA a few weeks back when JWong was there. Good stuff. :tup:

Yeah if its 5 bucks just talk to me about it at evo, no need to post for that.

It might be higher than that because I have other mms pending, but if the others decide not to ill go first to 5 for $20

Say Fanatiq was up man…Sorry I couldn’t run our money match back last year but had to leave…So lets do it again this year…let see ft 7 for $100 Your MSP Vs my RST The amount may very due to I have a lot of money matches set up so it all depends on how well I do on how much we will play for.,…

Holla back

What if I wanna use MST? Can I switch to that?
Either way yeah 100 sounds good.

Yeah thats cool…

Why not use msp?

fanatiq do you want your rematch? If so, lets mm for 15$ 2/3

FANATIQ, sickest mofo alive, his mst is WEST COAST BEST KEPT SECRET

You want to do first to 5 for $20?

Sure we can run that.

Rudy I’m not really feelin 2/3 I want more games with you, but we don’t gotta play for like a whole lot either even if we play a lot of games. I say like first to 5 for 30-40. That sound coo?

30 is cool

Fanatiq, why does your av say hmc? I thought it’s supposed to say Team Beast!!!

-Tha Hindu

30 it is.

I might mm you, but I am not sure. lol.