Fan Tournament Sign-Up

Garou 4 members MAX

BlazBlue 10 members MAX

MVC2 10 members MAX

Leave a thread reply to sign up. You can sign up to all 3 if you wish…Tournament will be held on the fifth of July. My Xbox GT is my username.
Happy Gaming!

I am included in all tournaments…Just a heads-up.

what is this?

sign me up

sign me up xbeezy is ghanjaninja420

Garou is ass online, not going to make it very fun. But what the hell sign me up and maybe we can switch over to equally shitty netcode 98UM.

Waitaminute… that name looks familiar.

That’s the dude that whined like a little bitch about fireball spamming being too cheap in SF4. As well as doing the same move over and over.

He made a video about it but quickly deleted it afterwards. He also had a friend in the video too. He looked like this -

There was a thread about it on here too.

Shin Akuma…Um…first I just said “come on stop”…second I don’t talk to people online because of people like you…and third it was the other two members of my group in that video, so there you go.
ps.I don’t have street fighter.

Shin Akuma…Um…first I just said “come on stop”…second I don’t talk to people online because of people like you…and third it was the other two members of my group in that video, so there you go.
ps.I don’t have street fighter.