He is my favorite to watch on youtube!
Entirely done in photoshop I take it?
Nope, first I sketched it on paper, scanned it, took it into Paint Tool SAI and traced it with nice clean lines, then colored it, then Took it into photoshop where I added the background and text at the top (used the Street Fighter 4 Font from Dafont.com). Hope to make more soon Thanks for taking a look and commenting.
Hahaha this is awesome bro! Shame Proud doesn’t come here.
im sure all goukens troll here at some point
this is the best
Would sure like a “love” button right now.
Haha I figured that you would draw a strawberry, but this is amazing!
I like the wig you’ve given him.
Now I’m thinking attack of the killer tomatoes.
lol Where (the hell) did all these individuals come from?
like i said…its like wtf
Well active threads are above in the “recent active threads” field. I’m guessing people see something about Strawberry and just click on it to see. I do it all the time.
the artwork is dope by the way…theres that show on tv w the fruits w faces. …lol
Haha thanks guys, brightens my day to see these messages. Hopefully somebody can point ProudStrawberry to see it, would really like to see his response to it haha
Your avatar is funny too!!! This guy is hilarious!!!
ProudStrawberry is so proud.
Although this would be awesome, I dont believe this is Proud ^^^. Joined 17 minutes ago? Lol nah
That dude copied what people do on Youtube with celebs and fictional characters.