Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

Yeah I get the slow down sometimes, especially when I throw a slow boom and jump with it with firece kick, somwtime the slow will prevent my aeriel attack from happening and that usually leads to punishment, sometimes tho I just press the attack button rapidly and that seems to do the trick most of the time. I’ve tried many times but havnt been able to do this combo in hdr:

(1)slow boom > (2)jump fierce > (3)stand fierce > (4)boom > (5)backfist

i get the slowdown occuring at either 2 or 3

Does anybody know how many audio variations there are for guile saying sonic boom in hdr. Like phoenix I sometimes notice that if I do a boom too late and get before the boom comes out fully, it seems like guile says ‘sonic boom’, but in a kinda delayed fashion, as if the hit has affected his speech…dunno if its just me tho

lol I used to get tons of hatemail back when I used play ranked matches…heres a selection:




audio hate mail:




During the slowdown, the game doubles frames to display the game at half speed and it ignores the input during the extra frames, so, afaict for anything other than a directional command, you’re basically going to have a 50% chance of it being accepted by the game.

Slowdown does not prevent me from attacking. I gotta rapid fire my button presses, but I got no problems doing that basic combo with Guile.

hahahahahahaha!!! Yeap I recognize the thought patterns. Either I play “boaring” or I only wait around and do low kicks, or I apparently spam the same shit over and over.

I actually recognize KillaLiam too. I let him win once because I was distracted by pornography on the nearby computer and his ego became bloated. Once I started paying attention in subsequent matches he just starts talking shit all day.

There’s this guy krazy korn32 who just sucks. I beat him with one hand regularly and he sends me racist hate mail. It’s nice to see that people are still swole over the Internet!!

Wow did they program it like that on purpose? If so this is the first time I’ve ever heard of a game that uses annoying slowdown as a feature…

Phoenix, admittingly I was waiting for the day for you too say something to me since I always end your winning streak. But alas, you’re actually a cool guy.

“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.”

Plenty of games do annoying slowdown as a feature. Have you played any MMOs? I suspect that the input dropping part is there to prevent people from being able to recover charge at real time rates, and I guess that the slowdown is so that they can have something that looks like a huge impact without giving away too much advantage. (Kind of like screen shake, which is also obnoxious.)

I think OJ answered this in another thread somewhere, apprantly, if it wasnt for the slowdown, if you got a player trapped in the corner then you would be able to do unlimited combo’s with guile, also thats the reason why you cant combo anything off a crouching medium kick.

lol, @racist hate mail…I got one from killaliam calling me a sad ******, the funny thing was that he had balrog (boxer) in his gamer tag picture

Meaty cr Forward x 2 is a combo, as well as [media=youtube]aP8MQDCmax8&#t=3m23s"[/media]. If you mean that cr Forward is not cancellable into Sonic Boom or Somersault, then yeah, I agree.

BTW I *love *slowdown, it gets all dramatic and shit. :bgrin:

Edit: This has to be an [media=youtube]__XIEnXdOVM&feature=fvw&#t=1m40s"[/media] for Guile. Sonic Boom, cr Short, Super? And also Sonic Boom, cr Strong, Somersault? WTF? I would think there isn’t enough time to charge the Somersault or Super after a Sonic Boom to get a combo out of it. Am I missing something?

I think you have to combo into the sonic boom for it to work, then you can use the charge buffer technique described by Maj (

(pre-sonic boom hit)
14 frames of hit freeze
30 frames for the sonic boom to come out.
6 frames of cr short animation
14 frames of hit freeze for the cr short.

64 frames total, and the moves require 54 frames of charge time so there’s 5 frames of slack at either end to do command entry.

Excerpt from that article:

“Charge supers typically entail one held direction followed by three directional changes and a button press. Conservatively estimating command lenience to allow seven frames between relevant inputs, the super move execution interval can be extended to thirty-one frames - plenty of time to incorporate a couple of seemingly incredible standing jabs into the motion. The trick is to execute the command as slowly as permissible, spacing out individual inputs along the way.”

I have seen 2 hits following a Sonic Boom into a Super/Somersault combo before, but never 1 hit. I guess that combo video poster was using a combination of the precharging technique and fireball slowdown, allowing him to time the cr Short or cr Strong as late as possible, and then kara cancelling as slow as possible into Super/Somersault in order for all of it to still combo. IMO that’s extremely hard and damn near impossible to pull off in a competitive match. Still, nice to know that it’s possible tho. = )

Actually, the part I was referring to is:

FWIW Fireball slowdown will proportionally increase the required charge time, so it doesn’t facilitate combos.

I love slowdown, too. :slight_smile: Anyway, I just tap the button twice as much during slowdown on any Capcom game that has that dramatic slowdown effect and my inputs get registered. It’s not a big thing to deal with.

As for that combo…nope…not impossible at all. :slight_smile: Just takes practice to get a feel for the charge time. Of course, comboing into Guile’s super is still something I’ve never done, so it’s much easier for me to say. :slight_smile: But…yeah…any of those point-blank Sonic Boom combos can be done when you link a normal after the Sonic Boom hits…and you use the charge :db::r::db:+:p: input. :slight_smile:

Edit: Also…I believe Rufus was the one that let us know that directional inputs are registered during slowdown, but button inputs get cut intermittently. Definitely lines up with my experiences with knocking out people with Chun Li’s :d:+:mk: Headstomp and then trying to do an extra j.:hk: for flair.

Actually, both are cut intermittently, it’s just not as noticeable for directional commands because direction stuff generally isn’t edge-triggered. Maj actually mentions that in the input skipping for slowdown in linked article as well.

Gee thanks I guess. You can also thank Sirlin for that. I read the Prologue and first chapter of his book and the message was basically anything goes if it’s part of the game and results in a win. As a result, I sometimes tend to play like an asshole with my constant grabbing, but I recognize when I do play that way so I don’t antagonize people anymore… unless they Rage Quit. All bets are off when rage quitting occurs.

Actually I always welcome a healthy match from you, Mr. x64, g3pwood, |EmpIRioN|, Jim100123908178410 or however he spells his name and a select few others who actually can consistently match or beat me. Playing noobs in ranked matches sometimes is a waste of time. You guys perk me up!

There will come a day when I will devour your Dictator, and I do think I managed to win once a while ago. Your T.Hawk is great too but I just need to be a little more patient, that’s all! :wink:

The dynamic duo will be waiting.:arazz:

Since this is the Guile thread:
Is there any explanation why Guile’s US flag tatoo is backwards? The dag (blue part) should be pointing towards the front.

Regarding losing to dirty tactics: I’m always a little disappointed when people switch away from something dirty before I can get good at dealing with it.