Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

I found this out last night when I got thrown out of it from a normal throw.:lol:

Who are all these 'Giefs that are giving you problems? The past 2-3 weeks I’ve played only one Zangief that seems to know what they’re doing.

And sobat kick works fine for me since you only really need your boom charge if you manage to keep your distance.

Theres only 2 or 3 giefs that give me trouble that I play regurlarly, yours and a guy with the gamer tag of ‘aqm be’ or something like that, funny thing is that I used to beat him quite easily and he statrted asking me for tips against guile to improve his game and now he’s using it against me very effectivly lol. Its all good tho.

aqm be has very good tick throws, if you get knocked down he will meaty cr.forward and spd you every time.

keep away works pretty well vs him though, he’s not that inventive about closing distance.

Additional AA info: The standing strong can be difficult to time and space against alot of jump ins, but where it really shines is against characters who do early-long lasting attacks like chun’s jumping short or guiles jumping forward. The strong can easily hit there outstretched limbs from a larger window of distances. Good job on the ST developers, because you can’t go air to air against these kind of early and long lasting attacks anyways.

you guys probably already know this, but for those who dont, guiles jumping fierce punch cleany beats honda’s butt bomb (the move where honda flies up and then down), you can even air throw the butt bomb on reaction.

let the honda decimation begin…

Guile’s Air Throw Tricks

Some more useful than others…


vs. Ryu
0:14 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Ryu’s ground Hurricane special
5:44 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Ryu’s Jab Uppercut Special

vs. Honda
0:55 in Guile’s Punch Air Throw vs. Honda’s Sumo Splash (“buttdart”) special

vs. Vega (Claw)
1:18 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Claw’s Roll special

vs. Guile
1:29 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Guile’s Short + <joystick toward/away> hop normal

vs. Dhalsim
1:38 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Dhalsim’s Forward Drill Special
1:58 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Dhalsim’s Roundhouse Drill Special

vs. Sagat
2:18 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Sagat’s Tiger Knee Special

vs. Balrog (Boxer)
2:32 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Boxer’s Buffalo Headbutt Special

vs. Zangief
2:42 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Zangief’s Fierce + <joystick toward> hop Normal

vs. Blanka
2:51 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Blanka’s Rainbow Ball Special

vs. Ken
3:04 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Ken’s ground Hurricane Kick Special

vs. Chun Li
3:07 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Chun Li’s Forward + <joystick down/toward> Kick Special
3:17 in Guile’s Punch Air Throw vs. Chun Li’s Roundhouse + <joystick down/toward> Kick Special
3:27 in Guile’s Punch Air Throw vs. Chun Li’s air Spinning Bird Kick Special

vs. Fei Long
3:39 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Fei Long’s Chicken Wing Special
3:45 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Fei Long’s Forward + <joystick toward/away> overhead Normal

vs. Dee Jay
3:50 in Guile’s Punch Air Throw vs. Dee Jay’s Air Kick Special
4:00 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Dee Jay’s Air Kick Special

vs. Akuma
4:04 in Guile’s Kick Air Throw (“backbreaker”) vs. Akuma’s ground Hurricane special

What about something like DJ’s jump jab, or shoto jumping punches?

Yeah, if he asorbs ur boom with a green hand and is too close to use low forward, use low strong instead and charge with it for a boom or fk(combo off of it).

I tried doing sobat backwards in that situation and he spd me, it looked like I was airborn but I wasnt since he still spd me.

so using guiles low forward as a counter measure against a green hand is dependant upon range.

Thanks guys, I’m, gonna start using low strong, but since a spd is a throw wont it have less startup frames than guiles low strong?

The SPD sure will have less startup frames than cr.:mp:! That’s why you can’t depend on Sonic Booms when he gets too close. Use your normals to push him out.

The idea is that your attack hits Zangief before he recovers from the green glove, giving him no chance to go for the throw. Throwing booms in close is a must. Rely to much on normals and you’ll just give gief the chance to trade sweeps or lariat you for the knockdown. If you don’t do anything you open yourself for the walking spd.

Alright, recently I’ve been working on applying more offensive pressure with Guile in matchups where its appropriate (eg Ryu). Typically, I try to accompliosh this by following up slow booms when I’m within half screen and working my throw and counter poke options. However, I realized that my opponents can escape all of my throw and counter poke setups by simply jumping backwards as soon as they are out of block stun from the boom. I could always try hitting them with a sobat kick or something as they begin leaving the ground for their jump, but this exposes me to dp’s and has no use other than stuffing jumping attempts. I’m inclined just to let them jump back if they want to, and then move forward with a knee, charged and ready to boom. If they want to put themselves in the corner, that’s fine. Blocked booms as that point become tight ticks =)

Are you guys of the same opinion, or is there a better way to deal with these jumpers?

I think if they’re blocking Sonic Booms far enough away from you that they can jump backward, you should treat it like any other situation in which they’ve jumped. You should be able to keep walking forward and hit them with something…especially after gaining space with a Bazooka Knee. The backfist can be surprisingly good anti-air from long range (make ‘em sit on it) or you could just use the ol’ max range jumping :hk: air-to-air. But, you should be able to hit them with something.

Of course…if you’re really bold, you’ll start practicing that air throw craziness zaspacer posted not too long ago and just grab them out of the air. I mean…if you just got game like that, though. :slight_smile: I doubt that’s practical, but it’d be pretty amazing to see, huh? :slight_smile:

You can’t make them land on anything if they jump back because you have to waste time recovering from whatever attack you were trying to hit them with. However, if you were going for the throw, that wouldn’t really be a problem…

trying throwing a fierce boom when they jump backwards, they’ll land on ir or be forced to block it.

Cross up Question

I’ve seen two different methods for crossing up a knocked down opponent:

1.) Cross them up early, attempting a safe jump into cr. shorts. You can do a meaty or near meaty crossup with this.

[media=youtube]4nyLMWgVZ4E[/media] (1:18 and 1:30)

2.) Cross them up so late that their dp goes the other way. Of course, you have no way of doing a meaty into the shorts, but I think you might be able to do a meaty xup into the cr strong against a number of characters. By mixing up whether you do the meaty into strong or non meaty into shorts, you may be able to keep your opponent from escaping the not so tight short xup. With this method, you eliminate much of the risk associated with crossing up and opponent by freeing yourself from the threat of the dp, but chances are, you wont be able to work your cr. short/throw shenanigans as much or your opponent might escape.

[media=youtube]Us2WA8yD678&feature=PlayList&p=3EEA28F3F91B19BA&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=61c[/media] (0:20)

Which method to use? I’ve tried the 2nd method alot, but it seems like my opponent can escape quite frequently, and I think they might even be able to dp me the correct way if they wait the frame or so it takes for their sprite to switch directions. While you might not always be able to get a meaty attack into the shorts with the first method, you can close enough to still wreak some havoc. What do you guys do?

again you guys probably already know this, but you can trade or cleanly hit balrogs dashing punches and his super with guiles sobat kick (the jumping spinning kick). Works best when you have space behind you and does require a certain amount of timing but I saw it being done in a player room yesterday consistently.

hey guys, my question was is there any other way to stop tick throws besides the flash kick? recently i find myself tryin to psychic rh fk everything that comes close to me and I keep getting punished badly lol. Other question is what is a good way to train yourself to do moves on reaction. Im sort of a slow mover, and i think this could be a good way to improve. Any help is appriciated thanks. God bless

The sobat works really well against Honda also, It can stuff hands, headbutt and buttdrop even. It’s range dependant of course, but It’s a pretty safe way to start the round, the starting distance seems a pretty good range to be throwing one out.