Has anyone tried to work in a walk up meaty low short x3 flashkick into their wakeup game? I don’t have the balls to try that online, and well, I’ve played this game for like an hour total offline
I’m not a Guile player so I can’t tell you how to set it up, it’s working on me. This one player kept using meaty low short on me and mixing it up. Every time I try it, though, I get hit out of the low shorts or I don’t combo correctly. Anyway, it’s probably best against someone that can’t reversal (duh). But the amazing thing is that you have a lot of options. Short throw. Short short throw. Short short short (flash kick). etc. I’d say try it a least once and see how it works out. I hope you do better than me.
I’ve been doing the crossup, 3 shorts xx fk, which I think is a bit less risky. It gives you another tick oppurtunity as well and does more damage if the whole thing connects. Additionaly, you can combo into super of 2 shorts, which you may not have the charge to do after a walk up.
Guike’s crouching firece as an AA
I want to learn to how use guile crouching firece more effective as an AA when I cant flash kick, I’ve noticed that in these 2 vids, the guile players, walk forward slightly before executing the crouching firece…do any other guile use this walking forward slightly technique? Do you have to directly underneash a jumping opponant to for it be fully effective.
Wouldn’t it be better to do a meaty low forward then roundhouse flash kick?
Someone says it connects.
I meant when using the crouching firece punch when you dont have a charge for the flash kick. The thing is when you use guiles crouching fierce as an AA, you get 3 results
- it trades
- its donsnt do anything and you get hit
- it cleanly hits the jumping opponant
so what is the optimum condition in order to get the 3rd result. In those videos, Im sure that the guile player walk forward slightly so that they are more directly underneath their opponants who are jumping.
I’ve had guiles do this too me, but relying on that still puts you at risk to higher priority jump attacks.
It also seemed to be very timing/space dependent, I tend to jump at guiles just out of his cr.mk range when they throw a boom, so on the third jump he finally messed up and I got my knockdown/kneebash, on him. I can’t remember which lol.
from my experience, c.fierce as AA is very dependent on the spacing from the jumping enemy, and the timing fo the release of your c.fierce can determine how clean a hit you get. in most instances, if i have it charged, i still prefer flashkick with short as AA, but if c.fierce is used, they literally have to be right above you to hit clean, and you have to anticipate them jumping already so that the c.fierce is fully extended, otherwise, i find that it will either trade, or that guile will lose out to the jumping attack (lose out depending on distance, but normally trade if done late v jump in attack). walking forward, then doing c.fierce… i wouldn’t personally do it unless it’s absolutely necessary for the simple fact that you lose your charge and i’d rather not trade, preferring to hit cleanly with some AA and to just block so that offense can reset. also, assuming the c.fierce doesn’t trade v the jump in, the enemy can combo into something for more damage and a possible knockdown.
depending on how late of an attack the enemy does from their jump, i think it also affects how clean c.fierce will hit, assuming you aren’t directly below them.
(on a side note: that’s 1 of the things i wished they would have given guile. in the old sf games, standing roundhouse was a solid AA, especially vs someone like a jumping zangief. the neutral standing roundhouse from n.guile, when close has always been useless for me, and i would have preferred if guile kept o. guile’s standing roundhouse).
Back when I played Guile, his far st.mp was a decent AA, but you had to hit them as they started to come down from the air, and it it would lose to things like DJ j.lp
Guile’s best AA may be an airthrow, that video that python showed of a guile player airthrowing the recovery of a jab dp makes it appear that you could theoretically always jump at your air opponent and air throw them in this situation, or not I don’t know.
I can’t play guile on my hori, because it feels wierd, and i can’t get used to doing charge moves on it. I used to play him on pad, and I hated how it fatigued my hands.
i assume you’re talking about that kurahashi v watson video where he get’s perfect on the last round with consecutive backbreakers. that was very situational and difficult imo, and not at all practical. if it was, you would see more of those in other guile matches after a j.srk. and even other kurahashi vids, i believe that’s the only 1 i seen him pull that off vs a shoto. air throw is a good attack, when you anticipate them jumping, or vs certain air to air encounters (like the beginning of bison stomp/devil reverse, or vega wall dive, etc). but for the most part it might not be the best AA option. you can tell if it’s a good AA if it can beat out something like chun li’s jumping m.kick (maybe 1 of the hardest jump ins for guile to counter clean with a NORMAL attack). zangief’s jump in’s are also difficult for guile to counter sometimes.
in the kurahashi v watson situation, my guess is that after the c.jab, watson was expecting a low forward or another attack, so he went for the j.srk to counter, but kurahashi held back… let watson j.srk… and went for the backbreaker which connected. had the backbreaker not connected, ryu would still have been hit by a jumping roundhouse and guile would still have initiative.
I agree, id wish sirlin had given Guile his old AA roundhouse back, which works great against a jumping sagat
Well, that’s why I mentioned st.mp, but even that doesn’t work that great. Guile’s alot like sf4 chun in that his AAs are situational if he doesn’t have charge.
That’s just how he is I guess. Let me ask this, does he deserve his old st.hk on top of his new overhead and his new flashkick?
Anti-airing with Guile is crucial to your success with him as a character. The crouching fierce can trade with any jump in if times correctly, with the exception of Claw’s jumping fierce and Chun’s headstomp (which you can punish with a flashkick after she bounces off of you anyways). The trade timing with most jump ins is not even that difficult. Unless you are really down on health, you should always go for the trade, even though most often it’ll trade in their advantage. Rather than block and give your opponent frame advantage, you get frame advantage, allowing your to put the pressure on or regain your spacing as you see fit. The only time you should block a jump in is if you don’t have time to get the crouching fierce out, or if they do a naked jump in, the fierce might not have enough range to hit them. When they’re that far away, sometimes the firece is the proper responce, sometimes it isn’t. Mix it up.
It is worth noting though, that Ken’s jumping fierce moves his blue hitboxes up so much that if you try to trade with his jumping rh, and he does the firece, he can clean hit your crouching fierce and maybe even combo into air hurricane and sweep. It’s better off blocking imo.
When your opponent jumps a projectile on reaction, you can use several methods to clean hit them depending on your spacing.
From very close - The neutral forward (“boot kick”) can trade or clean hit most jumpins, and most opponents won’t try to even hit you that high anyways lest you wait on a cr. fierce. Guile’s strong or fierce air throw is also another very effective and underutalized AA in close. The punch air throw works great for throwing opponents above you, so it can definatly be done on reaction.
From mid range (1/2 screen)- The standing strong can clean hit just about any jumpin, if your at the right range. The spacing can be somewhat difficult depending on your opponent, but remember, you’ll often have time to take a step to get the right spacing. Again, the punch air throw ( or jumping fierce if that comes out instead) is also a very effective option.
From far- The cr. forward or cr. rh are Guile’s bread and butter from these ranges. Since jumpins give every character at least 1 landing frame before they can block, you can make them land on a meaty forward or rh. The rh is only effective if your a bit closer and requires your to be a bit more pixel perfect. Remember, don’t be so close that they can hit your with their jumpin. If you are even further away (full screen or so) or you fear your opponent might use a trip guard, don’t be afraid to go air to air with a jumping rh. Try to catch them early with this.
Remember, if you ever find yourself in between ranges, you very well may have time to move to the closer range from which you can consistanly anti air.
thanks for that python, I gotta practise utilising the air throw and crouching medium punch. With guiles air throw, whats the best time execute it for success, when guile jumps, he does a sumersault at the apex of his jump (if ur jumping backwards or foerwards)…do you execute the air throw before the sumersault???
Another question: Best options against gief when he’s green handing through sonic booms up close, Lately I’ve been losing to good gief players as they are spd-ing me immeditaly after green handing through booms. My immediate reation is to do low forward, but I get spd-ed before the low forward connects, so I need a new reliable answer for the green hand to prevent green hand>>>spd routine
spinning back fist perhaps? lariot kick?
IIRC, the punch air throw’s range extends out and slightly above Guile while the kick air throw’s (the backbreaker) range extends out and slightly below him. The kick throw covers more vertical range above and below him…IIRC. Someone else can confirm or refute this, but that’s what I remember.
So…it’s not about when in your jump you perform it. It’s about knowing the range of the throw. For that answer…TRAINING MODE!
Don’t let them get that close!!!
Ok…if that doesn’t work, then the two other ways you can beat a throw attempt without using a special move or counter-throw is to either…hit him before he throws you (i.e. use the one normal move you have that has the least amount of startup…check T.Akiba’s Frame Data!) or…if you have enough frames to do it…jump. I would guess that your best choice for a normal would be a crouching or standing jab and then hopefully you can link a standing strong or something to it (check out my FAQ for possible links) so that you can push him back and/or have enough time to charge a Sonic Boom so that it will push him back even more. Otherwise…you really should be trying to bait Banishing Flats. If they’re able to Banishing Flat your Sonic Booms, then you’re probably being a bit predictable…especially if they can catch you with a SPD afterward. Remember…the Sonic Boom is the projectile with the least amount of recovery IN THE GAME. He should not be catching you after you throw one.
I see, with some giefers tho, the low farward is enough to stop a green hand through a boom, but with others I get caught by the spd so quick that sometimes Im grabbed before I even press a button. Do you think guiles low forward has too long of a startuo time to be effective in this scenario?
so other alternatices could be jab, and strong punches? spinning back fist or crouching fierce?
Sobat puts you in a “air state” doesn’t it? You can stay put, move forward or move backward, that might also be a choice.
…or crouching/standing short. Try them all and see. Did you look at the frame data like I recommended? I wouldn’t recommend any fierces, though, since those have worse startup. If close or crouching fierce hits on the first hitting frame on a grounded Zangief, you’re likely to get reversal SPDed in return. Spinning Backfist can be ducked if mistimed and you’ll likely eat a crouching roundhouse.
I personally think that crouching forward is, ideally, the best move to use…but like I said, that requires that you don’t throw a Sonic Boom that’s he’s able to anticipate, Banishing Flat, and SPD you. You have to mix up the speeds and frequency of them. The ideal range, IIRC, is actually just outside of your crouching forward range. Of course, 2-in-1’ing into a Sonic Boom from close range is acceptable.
Also, as Coth_X recommended, I was thinking that standing forward (the Sobat Kick) would be a good idea, too…especially if it put you in an aerial state. If not, then the Bazooka Knee will definitely put you in an aerial state. Mind that startup time and recovery, though.
Seriously, though, if your opponent starts beating your Sonic Booms with Banishing Flats, you need to start pushing him further out and make him deal with jab Sonic Boom mixup games. Sitting there will not help you.
Sometimes, stalling on booms long enough to get him to walk forward, so you can throw a fierce boom isn’t a bad idea. If he’s trying to green hand your booms that much, then try cr.mk immediately after throwing the boom instead of reaction. I know especially in lag, that a on reaction poke after green hand tends to lose to spd rather than a anticipatory poke.
I started playing guile some again last night, and although im not used to him on a joystick, it was refreshing after all that time with Ken, the strategies are so different.
Irrepresible, sounds like you simply have a reaction problem. Theoretically, you should never get spd’d off a green glove through a boom. Why? No matter how early Zangief green gloves, you should recover fast enough to hit him with a cr. forward or the likes. The sobat kick (standing left or right and forward) does not put you in an air state. Also, the punch air throw has more range above you than the backbreaker, hence it is a better AA.