I think Blanka is Guile’s worst matchup. One tactic is to just turtle the match out. Sit blocking and charging, ignoring his slides, and throw a sonic boom when he looks like he won’t be able to jump it. If he gets sick of this he’ll try jump in, in which case you flash kick. Sometimes he will bait by jumping directly up, but the new RH flash kick should take care of this. Unfortunately it’s not a perfect tactic because you will still need to guess his rolls to avoid chip damage/bites. I also find that if you guess his slide correctly you can hit him with a sonic boom when he’s either coming into or out of his slide. My main problem with Blanka is I can’t seem to c.LK his slides without trading, which I obviously lose on. I wish Sirlin got rid of the knee bazooka, I never use it and find it a pain when I need to do the normal standing LK. Does anyone actually use the knee bazooka for anything useful?
A good Vega player really gives Guile a tough time, however I find they’re expecting you to try turtle the match out and predict Vega’s drops with a flash kick, which they then punish with a sweep and gain the upper hand. Keeping the pressure on Vega, jumping a lot and making sure to MK when you’re near him seems to work for me. Keep charging DB in the air to pull off a flash kick reversal if he tries to throw (his throw range is longer than Guile’s so you’ll usually lose a throwing contest).
Not only are his fireballs slower, but remixed Sagat’s arms are vulnerable when he throws a tiger shot (o.Sagat’s weren’t), so you can RH flash kick him when you’re near. The upside down kick mixup is great against him too. Once you get to midscreen with him he’s not too hard a character to beat. Just watch out for those tiger knee juggles!
I hit LK quite soon after I jump, it’s great for a crossup. You can then either combo or mash MP for a throw when you land. Remember if you have smoothing on you will have to do this ahead of time due to the inpit delay. I mostly use either MK or HK for jumpins though, depending on the angle and distance. His j.HK is great for punishing fireball recovery and j.MK is great for catching an opponent blocking low rather than high.
A couple things that surely are nothing new, but nobody else is really posting here.
-The matchup against sagat is really not bad thanks to sagat’s recovery and new hitboxes. If you’re in a fireball volley from full screen, all you need is to be sure he’s about to fire another tiger, and jump in with RH, you can punish him and remain safe. He cannot do the same to you, which means he needs to work his way in to you. In ST guile really had to get the drop on sagat, but this is just not true anymore.
-Dhalsim is still a pain. Guile’s b+mk can hit his limbs rather consistently, and the same tactics against Blanka’s slide work for Dhal, and rh flash kck works rather well if he starts getting tricky with midscreen pressure.
I haven’t fought many Akumas, so I’m not too sure what to look out for there - any experience anyone has would be nice.
I had my arse handed to me on a platter by Sirlin playing Akuma on the weekend. He rushed me down and left me very few options. He obviously knows Akuma better than anyone though, the other Akuma players haven’t had nearly as much success against my Guile. The main reason they have won at all against me is Akuma’s ridiculous super. His super meter builds up very slowly though, so I think the trick is to mix him up early and go for a quick damage round, rather than turtle it out. Keep the pressure on and try force him to the ground with threats of RH flash kicks when he jumps, then you can use the upside down kick/c.RH/throw mixup on him and rinse repeat. He doesn’t take many hits to die, which is good.
play very patiently. You can shut down his advances pretty well with jab SB and c.mk - he cannot lariat through the boom without eating the kick, and with the same timing you can punish a greenhand that hits the boom (just have to be careful of positioning). Don’t let him in close obviously, so its usually better to err on the side of ‘keep flash kick charged’ whenever you have to make a decision. Unless he knocks you down up close where he can crossup (not long range sweep or spd), you can take out any jumpin with flash kick. Gief’s whole game is getting in close, so just play very patiently and never let him have the opportunity.
Heres a tip against Honda that I figured out at Keystone II, if honda is going to head butt through your fireballs, immediately throw a back fist as you would against cammys spinning knuckle. Cant wait to get an xbox.
Its too bad you can’t charge and throw rapid standing light kicks like with old guile. Against Zangief players, I use standing light kick against giefs low roundhouse and it counters it everytime and then I would throw a boom right in his face, but thats with old Guile in OG ST anyway.
Not as good as o.guile, but you can go to neutral and start hitting lk, and as long as you keep mashing nothing but s.lk, you can hold back and start charting for sb without doing the knee. It’s not nearly as useful, but against someone like blanka, you can still do lk spam -> boom -> lk spam if they start getting really reliant on slides and blankaballs.
I have really bad timing with Guile’s LK cross up, but the c.LK c.LK s.LK HK Flash Kick combo is too nice! I managed to pull it off only once in online play though, I think I’m too nervous. When I start focusing on only landing the combo I start losing matches.
Is anyone having serious problems against Dhalsim? No matter what I do, I can’t get in close. I try to pressure him with sonic booms but they usually just counter quite easily with yoga fire. He is my most frustrating matchup, along with E. Honda, Zangief and Chun Li. I am glad someone posted some Zangief strategies. I figured out that I need to keep him away from me, but in the end, he would close the distance and punish me with grabs. Gonna play a whole bunch after work tonight.
Dhalsim really plays differnetly from long range, midrange, and close range, and forunately guile can handle them all.
Long range, do the same thing you’d do against any shoto. Sonic boom the fireballs as much as you can, occasionally vertically jumping. Once you’re confident he’s going to do another fireball, jump at him right before he starts the fireball animation and hit him with an early j.roundhouse. Getting the confidence that he’s going to do another fireball means being very patient - there’s no harm in exchanging 20 fireballs before you’re pretty sure he’s going to go for that 21st (of course you can never be 100% positive). Once the j.roundhouse lands, you can do another sonic boom immediatley after (fierce), and resume doing whatever you want.
Midrange is much harder. He can still yoga fire you, you’re not safe sonic booming to cancel out his projectiles on reaction, and he can sweep under your SB. If you jump to avoid a fire or try to get in, his limbs can take you out. Luckily, you have a few tools. If you think he’s going to harrass you with limbs or drills, do b+mk. You’ll win out on this and keep SB charge. Standing lk will take out his sweeps and some of his limbs (don’t use b+roundhouse like blanka, it doesn’t work on his slides). Avoid the urge to jump in and keep this up. Once they get predictable (or if you feel like gambling), do a roundhouse flash kick to punish him for pretty much anything but blocking. That could be considered the goal of this situation - the flashkick will destroy the situation and you’ll be able to create a new one on his wakeup.
At close range, there’s not much Dhalsim has to offer that every other character in the game doesn’t, except the noggie. You know the drill (hah), flash kick if he’s going to attack, throw if he’s going to block, sonic boom or c.mk or overhead if you’re not sure. There’s not much to say about here, although you can definetly lose or win the game up close, there’s just nothing special dhalsim brings.
Thank you for the in depth reply. I will try and put this into practice. The sweep was killing me in the last match with Dhalsim that I played. I would try to push forward, but kept ending up in the corner. I need to time my flash kicks better. The dhalsim I played was very good at punishing me for missing my flash kicks.
I’ve got one question that’s been naggin at me for a while that I can’t seem to come to a conclusion on: When Guile’s around cr. forward range, what keeps his opponents from jumping his sonic booms? I’m pretty sure if they jumped as soon as you threw one, most characters could hit Guile before he could cr. fierce them. Maybe the block stun from cr. forward might give you enough time to do this, but I’m not sure. So then is it just that its difficult to anticipate so they don’t jump asap? I know this probably different vs different characters, but all and any info would be appreciated.
Edit: On a sidenote, I’m very pleased with how Guile turned out in hd remix. His new offensive tools have made him much more fun to play as and have made him more competitive.
It’s useful in the Guile v Guile mirror more then anything since it allows you to close space without losing Sonic Boom charge and jumping in is rarely the right answer especially with new RH Flash Kick and better juggling/easier motion super.
It’s not a very good range for him in general because of this. He can’t do a standard fireball trap because he can never do a flash kick after a sonic boom. The opponent will have a very very difficult jumping on reaction to a sonic boom, I’m not sure if it’s even possible. If they’re waiting to react to anything, then you can just do a c.jab to get him to reflex the jump, and flash kick that.
When in c.forward range though. c.forward is a pretty good option =)
I also like it in any long range wakeup game. After landing a flash kick or something, you can toss a jab sb, do a knee, and once they block the jab one, do a fierce sb (airtight) or another jab sb to mess with them. Also anytime you’re in a fireball volley and gain the upper hand, you can push them a little closer to the corner by advancing before the next fireball.
After going back and watching alot of Muteki’s videos, I realized your right; when your in cr. forward range, you should use your cr. forward:looney:. The forward ususally knocks them out of range, where it is then safe to sonic boom because you can at least trade with your cr. fierce if they jump in. So then is Guile’s “wheel house” (best place to throw sonic booms) a bit more than half screen? This is where I see Muteki most of the time. It seems then like its all about maitaining that distance.